Commandline utilities

See installed version: ufl-analyse


# ufl-version

to see the currently installed version of UFL printed to the terminal.

Validation and debugging: ufl-analyse

The command ufl-analyse loads all forms found in a .ufl file, tries to discover any errors in them, and prints various kinds of information about each form. Basic usage is

# ufl-analyse myform.ufl

For more information, type

# ufl-analyse --help

Note: This script is not well maintained, you will likely get more useful information from your form compiler.

Formatting and visualization: ufl-convert

The command ufl-convert loads all forms found in a .ufl file, compiles them into a different form or extracts some information from them, and writes the result in a suitable file format.

To try this tool, go to the demo/ directory of the UFL source tree. Some of the features to try are basic printing of str and repr string representations of each form:

# ufl-convert --format=str stiffness.ufl
# ufl-convert --format=repr stiffness.ufl

compilation of forms to mathematical notation in LaTeX:

# ufl-convert --filetype=pdf --format=tex --show=1 stiffness.ufl

LaTeX output of forms after processing with UFL compiler utilities:

# ufl-convert -tpdf -ftex -s1 --compile=1 stiffness.ufl

and visualization of expression trees using graphviz via compilation of forms to the dot format:

# ufl-convert -tpdf -fdot -s1 stiffness.ufl

Type ufl-convert --help for more details.