Source code for instant.cache

"""This module contains helper functions for working with the module cache.

Example operations:
  - modulename = modulename_from_checksum(checksum)
  - modulename = modulename_from_checksum(compute_checksum(signature))
  - module = import_module_directly(path, modulename)
  - module = import_module(modulename)
  - module = import_module(checksum)
  - module = import_module(compute_checksum(signature))
  - modules = cached_modules()
  - modules = cached_modules(cache_dir)

# Copyright (C) 2008 Martin Sandve Alnes
# This file is part of Instant.
# Instant is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Instant is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with Instant. If not, see <>.
# Alternatively, Instant may be distributed under the terms of the BSD license.

import os, sys, re
from .output import instant_warning, instant_assert, instant_debug
from .paths import get_default_cache_dir, validate_cache_dir
from .signatures import compute_checksum

# TODO: We could make this an argument, but it's used indirectly
# several places so take care.
_modulename_prefix = "instant_module_"
[docs]def modulename_from_checksum(checksum): "Construct a module name from a checksum for use in cache." return _modulename_prefix + checksum
[docs]def checksum_from_modulename(modulename): "Construct a module name from a checksum for use in cache." return modulename.remove(_modulename_prefix)
[docs]def import_module_directly(path, modulename): "Import a module with the given module name that resides in the given path." sys.path.insert(0, path) er = None try: module = __import__(modulename) except BaseException as e: instant_warning("In instant.import_module_directly: Failed to import module '%s' from '%s';\n%s:%s;" % (modulename, path, type(e).__name__, e)) module = None er = e finally: sys.path.pop(0) return module, er
_memory_cache = {}
[docs]def memory_cached_module(moduleid): "Returns the cached module if found." import sys module = _memory_cache.get(moduleid, None) instant_debug("Found '%s' in memory cache with key '%r'." % (module, moduleid)) return module
[docs]def place_module_in_memory_cache(moduleid, module): "Place a compiled module in cache with given id." _memory_cache[moduleid] = module instant_debug("Added module '%s' to cache with key '%r'." % (module, moduleid))
[docs]def is_valid_module_name(name): NAMELENGTHLIMIT = 200 return len(name) < NAMELENGTHLIMIT and bool("^[a-zA-Z_][\w]*$", name))
[docs]def import_and_cache_module(path, modulename, moduleids): module, e = import_module_directly(path, modulename) instant_assert(module is not None, "Failed to import module found in cache. Modulename: '%s';\nPath: '%s';\n%s:%s;" % (modulename, path, type(e).__name__, e)) for moduleid in moduleids: place_module_in_memory_cache(moduleid, module) return module
[docs]def check_memory_cache(moduleid): # Check memory cache first with the given moduleid moduleids = [moduleid] module = memory_cached_module(moduleid) if module: return module, moduleids # Get signature from moduleid if it isn't a string, # and check memory cache again if hasattr(moduleid, "signature"): moduleid = moduleid.signature() instant_debug("In instant.check_memory_cache: Got signature "\ "'%s' from moduleid.signature()." % moduleid) module = memory_cached_module(moduleid) if module: # FIXME (GNW): I haved commented this out since it can continually # insert indentical objects into the cache. This # function checks the cache, so why should it also # insert? #for moduleid in moduleids: # place_module_in_memory_cache(moduleid, module) return module, moduleids moduleids.append(moduleid) # Construct a filename from the checksum of moduleid if it # isn't already a valid name, and check memory cache again if not is_valid_module_name(moduleid): moduleid = modulename_from_checksum(compute_checksum(moduleid)) instant_debug("In instant.check_memory_cache: Constructed module name "\ "'%s' from moduleid '%s'." % (moduleid, moduleids[-1])) module = memory_cached_module(moduleid) if module: return module, moduleids moduleids.append(moduleid) instant_debug("In instant.check_memory_cache: Failed to find module: %s." % moduleid) return None, moduleids
[docs]def check_disk_cache(modulename, cache_dir, moduleids): # Ensure a valid cache_dir cache_dir = validate_cache_dir(cache_dir) # Check on disk, in current directory and cache directory for path in (os.getcwd(), cache_dir): if os.path.exists(os.path.join(path, modulename, "finished_copying")): # Found existing directory, try to import and place in memory cache module = import_and_cache_module(path, modulename, moduleids) if module: instant_debug("In instant.check_disk_cache: Imported module "\ "'%s' from '%s'." % (modulename, path)) return module else: instant_debug("In instant.check_disk_cache: Failed to import "\ "module '%s' from '%s'." % (modulename, path)) # All attempts failed instant_debug("In instant.check_disk_cache: Can't import module with modulename "\ "%r using cache directory %r." % (modulename, cache_dir)) return None
[docs]def import_module(moduleid, cache_dir=None): """Import module from cache given its moduleid and an optional cache directory. The moduleid can be either - the module name - a signature string, of which a checksum is taken to look up in the cache - a checksum string, which is used directly to look up in the cache - a hashable non-string object with a function moduleid.signature() which is used to get a signature string The hashable object is used to look up in the memory cache before signature() is called. If the module is found on disk, it is placed in the memory cache. """ # Look for module in memory cache module, moduleids = check_memory_cache(moduleid) if module: return module # Look for module in disk cache modulename = moduleids[-1] return check_disk_cache(modulename, cache_dir, moduleids)
[docs]def cached_modules(cache_dir=None): "Return a list with the names of all cached modules." cache_dir = validate_cache_dir(cache_dir) return os.listdir(cache_dir)