Source code for ffc.uflacs.backends.ufc.jacobian

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2009-2017 Anders Logg and Martin Sandve Alnæs, Chris Richardson
# This file is part of UFLACS.
# UFLACS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# UFLACS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with UFLACS. If not, see <>.

# Note: Much of the code in this file is a direct translation
# from the old implementation in FFC, although some improvements
# have been made to the generated code.

[docs]def jacobian(L, gdim, tdim, element_cellname): J = L.Symbol("J") coordinate_dofs = L.Symbol("coordinate_dofs") code = [L.Comment("Compute Jacobian"), L.ArrayDecl("double", J, (gdim*tdim,)), L.Call("compute_jacobian_"+element_cellname+"_"+str(gdim)+"d", (J, coordinate_dofs))] return code
[docs]def inverse_jacobian(L, gdim, tdim, element_cellname): K = L.Symbol("K") J = L.Symbol("J") detJ = L.Symbol("detJ") code = [L.Comment("Compute Inverse Jacobian and determinant"), L.ArrayDecl("double", K, (gdim*tdim,)), L.VariableDecl("double", detJ), L.Call("compute_jacobian_inverse_"+element_cellname+"_"+str(gdim)+"d",(K, detJ, J))] return code
[docs]def orientation(L): detJ = L.Symbol("detJ") cell_orientation = L.Symbol("cell_orientation") code = [L.Comment("Check orientation"), L.If(L.EQ(cell_orientation, -1), [L.Throw("std::runtime_error", "cell orientation must be defined (not -1)")]), L.Comment("(If cell_orientation == 1 = down, multiply det(J) by -1)"), L.ElseIf(L.EQ(cell_orientation, 1), [L.AssignMul(detJ , -1)])] return code
[docs]def fiat_coordinate_mapping(L, cellname, gdim, ref_coord_symbol="Y"): # Code used in evaluatebasis[|derivatives] x = L.Symbol("x") Y = L.Symbol(ref_coord_symbol) coordinate_dofs = L.Symbol("coordinate_dofs") if cellname == "interval": J = L.Symbol("J") detJ = L.Symbol("detJ") if gdim == 1: code = [L.Comment("Get coordinates and map to the reference (FIAT) element"), L.ArrayDecl("double", Y, 1, [(2*x[0] - coordinate_dofs[0] - coordinate_dofs[1])/J[0]])] elif gdim == 2: code = [L.Comment("Get coordinates and map to the reference (FIAT) element"), L.ArrayDecl("double", Y, 1, [2*(L.Sqrt(L.Call("std::pow", (x[0] - coordinate_dofs[0], 2)) + L.Call("std::pow", (x[1] - coordinate_dofs[1], 2))))/detJ - 1.0])] elif gdim == 3: code = [L.Comment("Get coordinates and map to the reference (FIAT) element"), L.ArrayDecl("double", Y, 1, [2*(L.Sqrt(L.Call("std::pow", (x[0] - coordinate_dofs[0], 2)) + L.Call("std::pow", (x[1] - coordinate_dofs[1], 2)) + L.Call("std::pow", (x[2] - coordinate_dofs[2], 2))))/ detJ - 1.0])] else: error("Cannot compute interval with gdim: %d" % gdim) elif cellname == "triangle": if gdim == 2: C0 = L.Symbol("C0") C1 = L.Symbol("C1") J = L.Symbol("J") detJ = L.Symbol("detJ") code = [L.Comment("Compute constants"), L.VariableDecl("const double", C0, coordinate_dofs[2] + coordinate_dofs[4]), L.VariableDecl("const double", C1, coordinate_dofs[3] + coordinate_dofs[5]), L.Comment("Get coordinates and map to the reference (FIAT) element"), L.ArrayDecl("double", Y, 2, [(J[1]*(C1 - 2.0*x[1]) + J[3]*(2.0*x[0] - C0)) / detJ, (J[0]*(2.0*x[1] - C1) + J[2]*(C0 - 2.0*x[0])) / detJ])] elif gdim == 3: K = L.Symbol("K") code = [L.Comment("P_FFC = J^dag (p - b), P_FIAT = 2*P_FFC - (1, 1)"), L.ArrayDecl("double", Y, 2, [2*(K[0]*(x[0] - coordinate_dofs[0]) + K[1]*(x[1] - coordinate_dofs[1]) + K[2]*(x[2] - coordinate_dofs[2])) - 1.0, 2*(K[3]*(x[0] - coordinate_dofs[0]) + K[4]*(x[1] - coordinate_dofs[1]) + K[5]*(x[2] - coordinate_dofs[2])) - 1.0])] else: error("Cannot compute triangle with gdim: %d" % gdim) elif cellname == 'tetrahedron' and gdim == 3: C0 = L.Symbol("C0") C1 = L.Symbol("C1") C2 = L.Symbol("C2") J = L.Symbol("J") detJ = L.Symbol("detJ") d = L.Symbol("d") code = [L.Comment("Compute constants"), L.VariableDecl("const double", C0, coordinate_dofs[9] + coordinate_dofs[6] + coordinate_dofs[3] - coordinate_dofs[0]), L.VariableDecl("const double", C1, coordinate_dofs[10] + coordinate_dofs[7] + coordinate_dofs[4] - coordinate_dofs[1]), L.VariableDecl("const double", C2, coordinate_dofs[11] + coordinate_dofs[8] + coordinate_dofs[5] - coordinate_dofs[2]), L.Comment("Compute subdeterminants"), L.ArrayDecl("const double", d, 9, [J[4]*J[8] - J[5]*J[7], J[5]*J[6] - J[3]*J[8], J[3]*J[7] - J[4]*J[6], J[2]*J[7] - J[1]*J[8], J[0]*J[8] - J[2]*J[6], J[1]*J[6] - J[0]*J[7], J[1]*J[5] - J[2]*J[4], J[2]*J[3] - J[0]*J[5], J[0]*J[4] - J[1]*J[3]]), L.Comment("Get coordinates and map to the reference (FIAT) element"), L.ArrayDecl("double", Y, 3, [(d[0]*(2.0*x[0] - C0) + d[3]*(2.0*x[1] - C1) + d[6]*(2.0*x[2] - C2)) / detJ, (d[1]*(2.0*x[0] - C0) + d[4]*(2.0*x[1] - C1) + d[7]*(2.0*x[2] - C2)) / detJ, (d[2]*(2.0*x[0] - C0) + d[5]*(2.0*x[1] - C1) + d[8]*(2.0*x[2] - C2)) / detJ])] else: error("Cannot compute %s with gdim: %d" % (cellname, gdim)) return code
def _mapping_transform(L, data, dof_data, values, offset, width=1): code = [] tdim = data["topological_dimension"] gdim = data["geometric_dimension"] num_components = dof_data["num_components"] mapping = dof_data["mapping"] # Apply transformation if applicable. if mapping == "affine": return code # Get temporary values before mapping. tmp_ref = L.Symbol("tmp_ref") code += [L.ArrayDecl("const double", tmp_ref, num_components, [values[i*width + offset] for i in range(num_components)])] # Define symbols for Jacobian, inverse and determinant J = L.Symbol("J") J = L.FlattenedArray(J, dims=(gdim, tdim)) detJ = L.Symbol("detJ") K = L.Symbol("K") K = L.FlattenedArray(K, dims=(tdim, gdim)) if mapping == "contravariant piola": code += [L.Comment("Using contravariant Piola transform to map values back to the physical element")] assert num_components == tdim for i in range(gdim): inner = sum(J[i, j]*tmp_ref[j] for j in range(tdim)) code += [L.Assign(values[i*width + offset], inner/detJ)] elif mapping == "covariant piola": code += [L.Comment("Using covariant Piola transform to map values back to the physical element")] assert num_components == tdim for i in range(gdim): inner = sum(K[j, i]*tmp_ref[j] for j in range(tdim)) code += [L.Assign(values[i*width + offset], inner)] elif mapping == "double covariant piola": code += [L.Comment("Using double covariant Piola transform to map values back to the physical element")] assert num_components == tdim**2 for p in range(num_components): # unflatten the indices i = p // tdim l = p % tdim # noqa: E741 # g_il = K_ji G_jk K_kl inner = sum(K[j, i]*tmp_ref[j*tdim + k]*K[k, l] for j in range(tdim) for k in range(tdim)) code += [L.Assign(values[p*width + offset], inner)] elif mapping == "double contravariant piola": code += [L.Comment("Using double contravariant Piola transform to map values back to the physical element")] assert num_components == tdim**2 for p in range(num_components): # unflatten the indices i = p // tdim l = p % tdim # noqa: E741 inner = sum(J[i, j]*tmp_ref[j*tdim + k]*J[l, k] for j in range(tdim) for k in range(tdim)) code += [L.Assign(values[p*width + offset], inner/(detJ*detJ))] else: error("Unknown mapping: %s" % mapping) return code