Source code for ffc.uflacs.backends.ufc.evaluatebasis

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Work in progress translation of FFC evaluatebasis code to uflacs
CNodes format."""

from six import string_types
import numpy

from ffc.log import error
from ffc.uflacs.backends.ufc.utils import generate_error

# Used for various indices and arrays in this file
index_type = "std::size_t"

[docs]def tabulate_coefficients(L, dof_data): """This function tabulates the element coefficients that are generated by FIAT at compile time.""" # Get coefficients from basis functions, computed by FIAT at # compile time. coefficients = dof_data["coeffs"] # Initialise return code. code = [L.Comment("Table(s) of coefficients")] # Get number of members of the expansion set. num_mem = dof_data["num_expansion_members"] # Generate tables for each component. for i, coeffs in enumerate(coefficients): # Variable name for coefficients. name = L.Symbol("coefficients%d" % i) # Generate array of values. code += [L.ArrayDecl("static const double", name, num_mem, coeffs)] return code
[docs]def generate_evaluate_reference_basis(L, data, parameters): """Generate code to evaluate element basisfunctions at an arbitrary point on the reference element. The value(s) of the basisfunction is/are computed as in FIAT as the dot product of the coefficients (computed at compile time) and basisvalues which are dependent on the coordinate and thus have to be computed at run time. The function should work for all elements supported by FIAT, but it remains untested for tensor valued elements. This code is adapted from code in FFC which computed the basis from physical coordinates, and also to use UFLACS utilities. The FFC code has a comment "From FIAT_NEW.polynomial_set.tabulate()". """ # Cutoff for feature to disable generation of this code (consider # removing after benchmarking final result) if isinstance(data, string_types): msg = "evaluate_reference_basis: %s" % (data,) return generate_error(L, msg, parameters["convert_exceptions_to_warnings"]) # Get some known dimensions element_cellname = data["cellname"] tdim = data["topological_dimension"] reference_value_size = data["reference_value_size"] num_dofs = len(data["dofs_data"]) # Input geometry num_points = L.Symbol("num_points") X = L.Symbol("X") # Output values reference_values = L.Symbol("reference_values") ref_values = L.FlattenedArray(reference_values, dims=(num_points, num_dofs, reference_value_size)) # Loop indices ip = L.Symbol("ip") k = L.Symbol("k") c = L.Symbol("c") r = L.Symbol("r") # Generate code with static tables of expansion coefficients tables_code, coefficients_for_dof = generate_expansion_coefficients(L, data["dofs_data"]) # Reset reference_values[:] to 0 reset_values_code = [ L.ForRange(k, 0, num_points*num_dofs*reference_value_size, index_type=index_type, body=L.Assign(reference_values[k], 0.0)) ] setup_code = tables_code + reset_values_code # Generate code to compute tables of basisvalues basisvalues_code, basisvalues_for_degree, need_fiat_coordinates = \ generate_compute_basisvalues(L, data["dofs_data"], element_cellname, tdim, X, ip) # Accumulate products of basisvalues and coefficients into values accumulation_code = [ L.Comment("Accumulate products of coefficients and basisvalues"), ] for idof, dof_data in enumerate(data["dofs_data"]): embedded_degree = dof_data["embedded_degree"] num_components = dof_data["num_components"] num_members = dof_data["num_expansion_members"] # In ffc representation, this is extracted per dof # (but will coincide for some dofs of piola mapped elements): reference_offset = dof_data["reference_offset"] # Select the right basisvalues for this dof basisvalues = basisvalues_for_degree[embedded_degree] # Select the right coefficients for this dof coefficients = coefficients_for_dof[idof] # Generate basis accumulation loop if num_components > 1: # Could just simplify by using this generic code # and dropping the below two special cases accumulation_code += [ L.ForRange(c, 0, num_components, index_type=index_type, body=L.ForRange(r, 0, num_members, index_type=index_type, body=L.AssignAdd(ref_values[ip, idof, reference_offset + c], coefficients[c, r] * basisvalues[r]))) ] elif num_members > 1: accumulation_code += [ L.ForRange(r, 0, num_members, index_type=index_type, body=L.AssignAdd(ref_values[ip, idof, reference_offset], coefficients[0, r] * basisvalues[r])) ] else: accumulation_code += [ L.AssignAdd(ref_values[ip, idof, reference_offset], coefficients[0, 0] * basisvalues[0]) ] # TODO: Move this mapping to its own ufc function # e.g. finite_element::apply_element_mapping(reference_values, # J, K) # code += _generate_apply_mapping_to_computed_values(L, dof_data) # Only works for affine (no-op) # Stitch it all together code = [ setup_code, L.ForRange(ip, 0, num_points, index_type=index_type, body=basisvalues_code + accumulation_code) ] return code
[docs]def generate_expansion_coefficients(L, dofs_data): # TODO: Use precision parameter to format coefficients to match # legacy implementation and make regression tests more robust all_tables = [] tables_code = [] coefficients_for_dof = [] for idof, dof_data in enumerate(dofs_data): num_components = dof_data["num_components"] num_members = dof_data["num_expansion_members"] fiat_coefficients = dof_data["coeffs"] # Check if any fiat_coefficients tables in expansion_coefficients # are equal and reuse instead of declaring new. coefficients = None # NB: O(n^2) loop over tables for symbol, table in all_tables: if table.shape == fiat_coefficients.shape and numpy.allclose(table, fiat_coefficients): coefficients = symbol break # Create separate variable name for coefficients table for each dof if coefficients is None: coefficients = L.Symbol("coefficients%d" % idof) all_tables.append((coefficients, fiat_coefficients)) # Create static table with expansion coefficients computed by FIAT compile time. tables_code += [L.ArrayDecl("static const double", coefficients, (num_components, num_members), values=fiat_coefficients)] # Store symbol reference for this dof coefficients_for_dof.append(coefficients) return tables_code, coefficients_for_dof
[docs]def generate_compute_basisvalues(L, dofs_data, element_cellname, tdim, X, ip): basisvalues_code = [ L.Comment("Compute basisvalues for each relevant embedded degree"), ] basisvalues_for_degree = {} need_fiat_coordinates = False Y = L.Symbol("Y") for idof, dof_data in enumerate(dofs_data): embedded_degree = dof_data["embedded_degree"] if embedded_degree: need_fiat_coordinates = True if embedded_degree not in basisvalues_for_degree: num_members = dof_data["num_expansion_members"] basisvalues = L.Symbol("basisvalues%d" % embedded_degree) bfcode = _generate_compute_basisvalues(L, basisvalues, Y, element_cellname, embedded_degree, num_members) basisvalues_code += [L.StatementList(bfcode)] # Store symbol reference for this degree basisvalues_for_degree[embedded_degree] = basisvalues if need_fiat_coordinates: # Mapping from UFC reference cell coordinate X to FIAT reference cell coordinate Y fiat_coordinate_mapping = [ L.Comment("Map from UFC reference coordinate X to FIAT reference coordinate Y"), L.ArrayDecl("const double", Y, (tdim,), values=[2.0*X[ip*tdim + jj]-1.0 for jj in range(tdim)]), ] basisvalues_code = fiat_coordinate_mapping + basisvalues_code return basisvalues_code, basisvalues_for_degree, need_fiat_coordinates
def _generate_compute_basisvalues(L, basisvalues, Y, element_cellname, embedded_degree, num_members): """From FIAT_NEW.expansions.""" # Branch off to cell specific implementations if element_cellname == "interval": code = _generate_compute_interval_basisvalues(L, basisvalues, Y, embedded_degree, num_members) elif element_cellname == "triangle": code = _generate_compute_triangle_basisvalues(L, basisvalues, Y, embedded_degree, num_members) elif element_cellname == "tetrahedron": code = _generate_compute_tetrahedron_basisvalues(L, basisvalues, Y, embedded_degree, num_members) else: error() return code def _jrc(a, b, n): an = float((2*n+1+a+b) * (2*n+2+a+b))/float(2*(n+1) * (n+1+a+b)) bn = float((a*a-b*b) * (2*n+1+a+b))/float(2*(n+1) * (2*n+a+b) * (n+1+a+b)) cn = float((n+a) * (n+b) * (2*n+2+a+b))/float((n+1) * (n+1+a+b) * (2*n+a+b)) return (an, bn, cn) def _generate_compute_interval_basisvalues(L, basisvalues, Y, embedded_degree, num_members): # FIAT_NEW.expansions.LineExpansionSet. # Create zero-initialized array for with basisvalues code = [L.ArrayDecl("double", basisvalues, (num_members,), values=0)] # FIAT_NEW.jacobi.eval_jacobi_batch(a,b,n,xs) # for ii in range(result.shape[1]): # result[0,ii] = 1.0 + xs[ii,0] - xs[ii,0] # The initial value basisvalues[0] is always 1.0 code += [L.Assign(basisvalues[0], 1.0)] if embedded_degree > 0: # FIAT_NEW.jacobi.eval_jacobi_batch(a,b,n,xs). # result[1,:] = 0.5 * ( a - b + ( a + b + 2.0 ) * xsnew ) # The initial value basisvalues[1] is always Y[0] code += [L.Assign(basisvalues[1], Y[0])] # Only active if embedded_degree > 1. for r in range(2, embedded_degree+1): # FIAT_NEW.jacobi.eval_jacobi_batch(a,b,n,xs). # apb = a + b (equal to 0 because of function arguments) # for k in range(2,n+1): # a1 = 2.0 * k * ( k + apb ) * ( 2.0 * k + apb - 2.0 ) # a2 = ( 2.0 * k + apb - 1.0 ) * ( a * a - b * b ) # a3 = ( 2.0 * k + apb - 2.0 ) \ # * ( 2.0 * k + apb - 1.0 ) \ # * ( 2.0 * k + apb ) # a4 = 2.0 * ( k + a - 1.0 ) * ( k + b - 1.0 ) \ # * ( 2.0 * k + apb ) # a2 = a2 / a1 # a3 = a3 / a1 # a4 = a4 / a1 # result[k,:] = ( a2 + a3 * xsnew ) * result[k-1,:] \ # - a4 * result[k-2,:] # The below implements the above (with a = b = apb = 0) a1 = float(2*r*r*(2*r - 2)) a3 = ((2*r - 2)*(2*r - 1)*(2*r)) / a1 a4 = (2*(r - 1)*(r - 1)*(2*r)) / a1 value = (Y[0] * (a3 * basisvalues[r-1])) - a4*basisvalues[r-2] code += [L.Assign(basisvalues[r], value)] # FIAT_NEW code # results = numpy.zeros( ( n+1 , len(pts) ) , type( pts[0][0] ) ) # for k in range( n + 1 ): # results[k,:] = psitilde_as[k,:] * math.sqrt( k + 0.5 ) # Scale values p = L.Symbol("p") code += [L.ForRange(p, 0, embedded_degree + 1, index_type=index_type, body=L.AssignMul(basisvalues[p], L.Call("std::sqrt", (0.5 + p,))))] return code def _generate_compute_triangle_basisvalues(L, basisvalues, Y, embedded_degree, num_members): # FIAT_NEW.expansions.TriangleExpansionSet. def _idx2d(p, q): return (p + q)*(p + q + 1)//2 + q # Create zero-initialized array for with basisvalues code = [L.ArrayDecl("double", basisvalues, (num_members,), values=0)] # Compute helper factors # FIAT_NEW code # f1 = (1.0+2*x+y)/2.0 # f2 = (1.0 - y) / 2.0 # f3 = f2**2 # The initial value basisvalues 0 is always 1.0. # FIAT_NEW code # for ii in range( results.shape[1] ): # results[0,ii] = 1.0 + apts[ii,0]-apts[ii,0]+apts[ii,1]-apts[ii,1] code += [L.Assign(basisvalues[0], 1.0)] # Only continue if the embedded degree is larger than zero. if embedded_degree == 0: return code # The initial value of basisfunction 1 is equal to f1. # FIAT_NEW code # results[idx(1,0),:] = f1 f1 = L.Symbol("tmp1_%d" % embedded_degree) code += [L.VariableDecl("const double", f1, (1.0 + 2.0*Y[0] + Y[1]) / 2.0)] code += [L.Assign(basisvalues[1], f1)] # NOTE: KBO: The order of the loops is VERY IMPORTANT!! # FIAT_NEW code (loop 1 in FIAT) # for p in range(1,n): # a = (2.0*p+1)/(1.0+p) # b = p / (p+1.0) # results[idx(p+1,0)] = a * f1 * results[idx(p,0),:] \ # - b * f3 *results[idx(p-1,0),:] # Only active if embedded_degree > 1. if embedded_degree > 1: f2 = L.Symbol("tmp2_%d" % embedded_degree) f3 = L.Symbol("tmp3_%d" % embedded_degree) code += [L.VariableDecl("const double", f2, (1.0 - Y[1]) / 2.0)] code += [L.VariableDecl("const double", f3, f2*f2)] for r in range(1, embedded_degree): rr = _idx2d((r + 1), 0) ss = _idx2d(r, 0) tt = _idx2d((r - 1), 0) A = (2*r + 1.0)/(r + 1) B = r/(1.0 + r) v1 = A * f1 * basisvalues[ss] v2 = B * f3 * basisvalues[tt] value = v1 - v2 code += [L.Assign(basisvalues[rr], value)] # FIAT_NEW code (loop 2 in FIAT). # for p in range(n): # results[idx(p,1),:] = 0.5 * (1+2.0*p+(3.0+2.0*p)*y) \ # * results[idx(p,0)] for r in range(0, embedded_degree): # (p+q)*(p+q+1)//2 + q rr = _idx2d(r, 1) ss = _idx2d(r, 0) A = 0.5*(1 + 2*r) B = 0.5*(3 + 2*r) C = A + (B * Y[1]) value = C * basisvalues[ss] code += [L.Assign(basisvalues[rr], value)] # Only active if embedded_degree > 1. # FIAT_NEW code (loop 3 in FIAT). # for p in range(n-1): # for q in range(1,n-p): # (a1,a2,a3) = jrc(2*p+1,0,q) # results[idx(p,q+1),:] \ # = ( a1 * y + a2 ) * results[idx(p,q)] \ # - a3 * results[idx(p,q-1)] # Only active if embedded_degree > 1. for r in range(0, embedded_degree - 1): for s in range(1, embedded_degree - r): rr = _idx2d(r, (s + 1)) ss = _idx2d(r, s) tt = _idx2d(r, s - 1) A, B, C = _jrc(2*r + 1, 0, s) value = (B + A*Y[1])*basisvalues[ss] - C*basisvalues[tt] code += [L.Assign(basisvalues[rr], value)] # FIAT_NEW code (loop 4 in FIAT). # for p in range(n+1): # for q in range(n-p+1): # results[idx(p,q),:] *= math.sqrt((p+0.5)*(p+q+1.0)) for r in range(0, embedded_degree + 1): for s in range(0, embedded_degree + 1 - r): rr = _idx2d(r, s) A = (r + 0.5)*(r + s + 1) code += [L.AssignMul(basisvalues[rr], L.Call("std::sqrt", (A,)))] return code def _generate_compute_tetrahedron_basisvalues(L, basisvalues, Y, embedded_degree, num_members): # FIAT_NEW.expansions.TetrahedronExpansionSet. # FIAT_NEW code (compute index function) TetrahedronExpansionSet. # def idx(p,q,r): # return (p+q+r)*(p+q+r+1)*(p+q+r+2)//6 + (q+r)*(q+r+1)//2 + r def _idx3d(p, q, r): return (p+q+r)*(p+q+r+1)*(p+q+r+2)//6 + (q+r)*(q+r+1)//2 + r # Compute helper factors. # FIAT_NEW code # factor1 = 0.5 * ( 2.0 + 2.0*x + y + z ) # factor2 = (0.5*(y+z))**2 # factor3 = 0.5 * ( 1 + 2.0 * y + z ) # factor4 = 0.5 * ( 1 - z ) # factor5 = factor4 ** 2 # Create zero-initialized array for with basisvalues code = [L.ArrayDecl("double", basisvalues, (num_members,), values=0)] # The initial value basisvalues 0 is always 1.0. # FIAT_NEW code # for ii in range( results.shape[1] ): # results[0,ii] = 1.0 + apts[ii,0]-apts[ii,0]+apts[ii,1]-apts[ii,1] code += [L.Assign(basisvalues[0], 1.0)] # Only continue if the embedded degree is larger than zero. if embedded_degree == 0: return code # The initial value of basisfunction 1 is equal to f1. # FIAT_NEW code # results[idx(1,0),:] = f1 f1 = L.Symbol("tmp1_%d" % embedded_degree) code += [L.VariableDecl("const double", f1, 0.5*(2.0 + 2.0*Y[0] + Y[1] + Y[2]))] code += [L.Assign(basisvalues[1], f1)] # NOTE: KBO: The order of the loops is VERY IMPORTANT!! # FIAT_NEW code (loop 1 in FIAT). # for p in range(1,n): # a1 = ( 2.0 * p + 1.0 ) / ( p + 1.0 ) # a2 = p / (p + 1.0) # results[idx(p+1,0,0)] = a1 * factor1 * results[idx(p,0,0)] \ # -a2 * factor2 * results[ idx(p-1,0,0) ] # Only active if embedded_degree > 1. if embedded_degree > 1: f2 = L.Symbol("tmp2_%d" % embedded_degree) code += [L.VariableDecl("const double", f2, 0.25*(Y[1] + Y[2])*(Y[1] + Y[2]))] for r in range(1, embedded_degree): rr = _idx3d((r + 1), 0, 0) ss = _idx3d(r, 0, 0) tt = _idx3d((r - 1), 0, 0) A = (2*r + 1.0)/(r + 1) B = r/(r + 1.0) value = (A * f1 * basisvalues[ss]) - (B * f2 * basisvalues[tt]) code += [L.Assign(basisvalues[rr], value)] # FIAT_NEW code (loop 2 in FIAT). # q = 1 # for p in range(0,n): # results[idx(p,1,0)] = results[idx(p,0,0)] \ # * ( p * (1.0 + y) + ( 2.0 + 3.0 * y + z ) / 2 ) for r in range(0, embedded_degree): rr = _idx3d(r, 1, 0) ss = _idx3d(r, 0, 0) term0 = 0.5 * (2.0 + 3.0*Y[1] + Y[2]) term1 = float(r) * (1.0 + Y[1]) value = (term0 + term1) * basisvalues[ss] code += [L.Assign(basisvalues[rr], value)] # FIAT_NEW code (loop 3 in FIAT). # for p in range(0,n-1): # for q in range(1,n-p): # (aq,bq,cq) = jrc(2*p+1,0,q) # qmcoeff = aq * factor3 + bq * factor4 # qm1coeff = cq * factor5 # results[idx(p,q+1,0)] = qmcoeff * results[idx(p,q,0)] \ # - qm1coeff * results[idx(p,q-1,0)] # Only active if embedded_degree > 1. if embedded_degree > 1: f3 = L.Symbol("tmp3_%d" % embedded_degree) f4 = L.Symbol("tmp4_%d" % embedded_degree) f5 = L.Symbol("tmp5_%d" % embedded_degree) code += [L.VariableDecl("const double", f3, 0.5*(1.0 + 2.0*Y[1] + Y[2]))] code += [L.VariableDecl("const double", f4, 0.5*(1.0 - Y[2]))] code += [L.VariableDecl("const double", f5, f4*f4)] for r in range(0, embedded_degree - 1): for s in range(1, embedded_degree - r): rr = _idx3d(r, (s + 1), 0) ss = _idx3d(r, s, 0) tt = _idx3d(r, s - 1, 0) (A, B, C) = _jrc(2*r + 1, 0, s) term0 = ((A*f3) + (B*f4)) * basisvalues[ss] term1 = C * f5 * basisvalues[tt] value = term0 - term1 code += [L.Assign(basisvalues[rr], value)] # FIAT_NEW code (loop 4 in FIAT). # now handle r=1 # for p in range(n): # for q in range(n-p): # results[idx(p,q,1)] = results[idx(p,q,0)] \ # * ( 1.0 + p + q + ( 2.0 + q + p ) * z ) for r in range(0, embedded_degree): for s in range(0, embedded_degree - r): rr = _idx3d(r, s, 1) ss = _idx3d(r, s, 0) A = (float(2 + r + s) * Y[2]) + float(1 + r + s) value = A * basisvalues[ss] code += [L.Assign(basisvalues[rr], value)] # FIAT_NEW code (loop 5 in FIAT). # general r by recurrence # for p in range(n-1): # for q in range(0,n-p-1): # for r in range(1,n-p-q): # ar,br,cr = jrc(2*p+2*q+2,0,r) # results[idx(p,q,r+1)] = \ # (ar * z + br) * results[idx(p,q,r) ] \ # - cr * results[idx(p,q,r-1) ] # Only active if embedded_degree > 1. for r in range(0, embedded_degree - 1): for s in range(0, embedded_degree - r - 1): for t in range(1, embedded_degree - r - s): rr = _idx3d(r, s, (t + 1)) ss = _idx3d(r, s, t) tt = _idx3d(r, s, t - 1) (A, B, C) = _jrc(2*r + 2*s + 2, 0, t) az_b = B + A*Y[2] value = (az_b*basisvalues[ss]) - (C*basisvalues[tt]) code += [L.Assign(basisvalues[rr], value)] # FIAT_NEW code (loop 6 in FIAT). # for p in range(n+1): # for q in range(n-p+1): # for r in range(n-p-q+1): # results[idx(p,q,r)] *= math.sqrt((p+0.5)*(p+q+1.0)*(p+q+r+1.5)) for r in range(0, embedded_degree + 1): for s in range(0, embedded_degree - r + 1): for t in range(0, embedded_degree - r - s + 1): rr = _idx3d(r, s, t) A = (r + 0.5)*(r + s + 1)*(r + s + t + 1.5) code += [L.AssignMul(basisvalues[rr], L.Call("std::sqrt", (A,)))] return code