Source code for ffc.uflacs.backends.ufc.evalderivs

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Work in progress translation of FFC evaluatebasis code to uflacs CNodes format."""

from six import string_types
import numpy

from ffc.log import error
from ffc.uflacs.backends.ufc.utils import generate_error

from ffc.uflacs.backends.ufc.evaluatebasis import generate_expansion_coefficients, generate_compute_basisvalues

# Used for various indices and arrays in this file
index_type = "std::size_t"

[docs]def generate_evaluate_reference_basis_derivatives(L, data, parameters): # Cutoff for feature to disable generation of this code (consider removing after benchmarking final result) if isinstance(data, string_types): msg = "evaluate_reference_basis_derivatives: %s" % (data,) return generate_error(L, msg, parameters["convert_exceptions_to_warnings"]) # Get some known dimensions element_cellname = data["cellname"] tdim = data["topological_dimension"] max_degree = data["max_degree"] reference_value_size = data["reference_value_size"] num_dofs = len(data["dofs_data"]) # Output argument reference_values = L.Symbol("reference_values") # Input arguments order = L.Symbol("order") num_points = L.Symbol("num_points") X = L.Symbol("X") # Loop indices ip = L.Symbol("ip") # point idof = L.Symbol("i") # dof c = L.Symbol("c") # component r = L.Symbol("r") # derivative number # Define symbol for number of derivatives of given order num_derivatives = L.Symbol("num_derivatives") reference_values_size = num_points * num_dofs * num_derivatives * reference_value_size # FIXME: validate these dimensions ref_values = L.FlattenedArray(reference_values, dims=(num_points, num_dofs, num_derivatives, reference_value_size)) # From #ref_values = L.FlattenedArray(reference_values, dims=(num_points, num_dofs, reference_value_size)) # Initialization (zeroing) and cutoffs outside valid range of orders setup_code = [ # Cutoff to evaluate_basis for order 0 L.If(L.EQ(order, 0), [ L.Call("evaluate_reference_basis", (reference_values, num_points, X)), L.Return() ]), # Compute number of derivatives of this order L.VariableDecl("const " + index_type, num_derivatives, value=L.Call("std::pow", (tdim, order))), # Reset output values to zero L.MemZero(reference_values, reference_values_size), # Cutoff for higher order than we have L.If(L.GT(order, max_degree), L.Return()), ] # If max_degree is zero, we don't need to generate any more code if max_degree == 0: return setup_code # Tabulate dmats tables for all dofs and all derivative directions dmats_names, dmats_code = generate_tabulate_dmats(L, data["dofs_data"]) # Generate code with static tables of expansion coefficients tables_code, coefficients_for_dof = generate_expansion_coefficients(L, data["dofs_data"]) # Generate code to compute tables of basisvalues basisvalues_code, basisvalues_for_degree, need_fiat_coordinates = \ generate_compute_basisvalues(L, data["dofs_data"], element_cellname, tdim, X, ip) # Generate all possible combinations of derivatives. combinations_code, combinations = _generate_combinations(L, tdim, max_degree, order, num_derivatives) # Define symbols for variables populated inside dof switch derivatives = L.Symbol("derivatives") reference_offset = L.Symbol("reference_offset") num_components = L.Symbol("num_components") # Get number of components of each basis function (>1 for dofs of piola mapped subelements) num_components_values = [dof_data["num_components"] for dof_data in data["dofs_data"]] # Offset into parent mixed element to first component of each basis function reference_offset_values = [dof_data["reference_offset"] for dof_data in data["dofs_data"]] # Max dimensions for the reference derivatives for each dof max_num_derivatives = tdim**max_degree max_num_components = max(num_components_values) # Add constant tables of these numbers tables_code += [ L.ArrayDecl("const " + index_type, reference_offset, num_dofs, values=reference_offset_values), L.ArrayDecl("const " + index_type, num_components, num_dofs, values=num_components_values), ] # Access reference derivatives compactly derivs = L.FlattenedArray(derivatives, dims=(num_components[idof], num_derivatives)) # Create code for all basis values (dofs). dof_cases = [] for i_dof, dof_data in enumerate(data["dofs_data"]): embedded_degree = dof_data["embedded_degree"] basisvalues = basisvalues_for_degree[embedded_degree] shape_dmats = numpy.shape(dof_data["dmats"][0]) if shape_dmats[0] != shape_dmats[1]: error("Something is wrong with the dmats:\n%s" % str(dof_data["dmats"])) aux = L.Symbol("aux") dmats = L.Symbol("dmats") dmats_old = L.Symbol("dmats_old") dmats_name = dmats_names[i_dof] # Create dmats matrix by multiplication comb = L.Symbol("comb") s = L.Symbol("s") t = L.Symbol("t") u = L.Symbol("u") tu = L.Symbol("tu") aux_computation_code = [ L.ArrayDecl("double", aux, shape_dmats[0], values=0), L.Comment("Declare derivative matrix (of polynomial basis)."), L.ArrayDecl("double", dmats, shape_dmats, values=0), L.Comment("Initialize dmats."), L.VariableDecl(index_type, comb, combinations[r, 0]), L.MemCopy(L.AddressOf(dmats_name[comb][0][0]), L.AddressOf(dmats[0][0]), shape_dmats[0]*shape_dmats[1]), L.Comment("Looping derivative order to generate dmats."), L.ForRange(s, 1, order, index_type=index_type, body=[ L.Comment("Store previous dmats matrix."), L.ArrayDecl("double", dmats_old, shape_dmats), L.MemCopy(L.AddressOf(dmats[0][0]), L.AddressOf(dmats_old[0][0]), shape_dmats[0]*shape_dmats[1]), L.Comment("Resetting dmats."), L.MemZero(L.AddressOf(dmats[0][0]), shape_dmats[0]*shape_dmats[1]), L.Comment("Update dmats using an inner product."), L.Assign(comb, combinations[r, s]), L.ForRange(t, 0, shape_dmats[0], index_type=index_type, body= L.ForRange(u, 0, shape_dmats[1], index_type=index_type, body= L.ForRange(tu, 0, shape_dmats[0], index_type=index_type, body= L.AssignAdd(dmats[t, u], dmats_name[comb, t, tu] * dmats_old[tu, u]))))]), L.ForRange(s, 0, shape_dmats[0], index_type=index_type, body= L.ForRange(t, 0, shape_dmats[1], index_type=index_type, body= L.AssignAdd(aux[s], dmats[s, t] * basisvalues[t]))) ] # Unrolled loop over components of basis function n = dof_data["num_components"] compute_ref_derivs_code = [L.Assign(derivs[cc][r], 0.0) for cc in range(n)] compute_ref_derivs_code += [L.ForRange(s, 0, shape_dmats[0], index_type=index_type, body= [L.AssignAdd(derivs[cc][r], coefficients_for_dof[i_dof][cc][s] * aux[s]) for cc in range(n)])] embedded_degree = dof_data["embedded_degree"] basisvalues = basisvalues_for_degree[embedded_degree] # Compute the derivatives of the basisfunctions on the reference (FIAT) element, # as the dot product of the new coefficients and basisvalues. case_code = [L.Comment("Compute reference derivatives for dof %d." % i_dof), # Accumulate sum_s coefficients[s] * aux[s] L.ForRange(r, 0, num_derivatives, index_type=index_type, body=[ aux_computation_code, compute_ref_derivs_code ])] dof_cases.append((i_dof, case_code)) # Loop over all dofs, entering a different switch case in each iteration. # This is a legacy from the previous implementation where the loop # was in a separate function and all the setup above was also repeated # in a call for each dof. # TODO: Further refactoring is needed to improve on this situation, # but at least it's better than before. There's probably more code and # computations that can be shared between dofs, and this would probably # be easier to fix if mixed elements were handled separately! dof_loop_code = [ L.Comment("Loop over all dofs"), L.ForRange(idof, 0, num_dofs, index_type=index_type, body=[ L.ArrayDecl("double", derivatives, max_num_components * max_num_derivatives, 0.0), L.Switch(idof, dof_cases), L.ForRange(r, 0, num_derivatives, index_type=index_type, body= [ L.ForRange(c, 0, num_components[idof], index_type=index_type, body=[ L.Assign(ref_values[ip][idof][r][reference_offset[idof] + c], derivs[c][r]), # FIXME: validate ref_values dims ]), ]) ]), ] # Define loop over points final_loop_code = [ L.ForRange(ip, 0, num_points, index_type=index_type, body= basisvalues_code + dof_loop_code ) ] # Stitch it all together code = ( setup_code + dmats_code + tables_code + combinations_code + final_loop_code ) return code
[docs]def generate_tabulate_dmats(L, dofs_data): "Tabulate the derivatives of the polynomial base" alignas = 32 # Emit code for the dmats we've actually used dmats_code = [L.Comment("Tables of derivatives of the polynomial base (transpose).")] dmats_names = [] all_matrices = [] for idof, dof_data in enumerate(dofs_data): # Get derivative matrices (coefficients) of basis functions, computed by FIAT at compile time. derivative_matrices = dof_data["dmats"] num_mats = len(derivative_matrices) num_members = dof_data["num_expansion_members"] # Generate tables for each spatial direction. matrix = numpy.zeros((num_mats, num_members, num_members)) for i, dmat in enumerate(derivative_matrices): # Extract derivatives for current direction # (take transpose, FIAT_NEW PolynomialSet.tabulate()). matrix[i,...] = numpy.transpose(dmat) # TODO: Use precision from parameters here from ffc.uflacs.elementtables import clamp_table_small_numbers matrix = clamp_table_small_numbers(matrix) # O(n^2) matrix matching... name = None for oldname, oldmatrix in all_matrices: if matrix.shape == oldmatrix.shape and numpy.allclose(matrix, oldmatrix): name = oldname break if name is None: # Define variable name for coefficients for this dof name = L.Symbol("dmats%d" % (idof,)) all_matrices.append((name, matrix)) # Declare new dmats table with unique values decl = L.ArrayDecl("static const double", name, (num_mats, num_members, num_members), values=matrix, alignas=alignas) dmats_code.append(decl) # Append name for each dof dmats_names.append(name) return dmats_names, dmats_code
def _generate_combinations(L, tdim, max_degree, order, num_derivatives, suffix=""): max_num_derivatives = tdim**max_degree combinations = L.Symbol("combinations" + suffix) # This precomputes the combinations for each order and stores in code as table # Python equivalent precomputed for each valid order: combinations_shape = (max_degree, max_num_derivatives, max_degree) all_combinations = numpy.zeros(combinations_shape, dtype=int) for q in range(1, max_degree+1): for row in range(1, max_num_derivatives): for num in range(0, row): for col in range(q-1, -1, -1): if all_combinations[q-1][row][col] > tdim - 2: all_combinations[q-1][row][col] = 0 else: all_combinations[q-1][row][col] += 1 break code = [ L.Comment("Precomputed combinations"), L.ArrayDecl("const " + index_type, combinations, combinations_shape, values=all_combinations), ] # Select the right order for further access combinations = combinations[order-1] return code, combinations