Source code for ffc.quadrature.symbol

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"This file implements a class to represent a symbol."

# Copyright (C) 2009-2011 Kristian B. Oelgaard
# This file is part of FFC.
# FFC is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# FFC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with FFC. If not, see <>.
# First added:  2009-07-12
# Last changed: 2011-06-28

# FFC modules.
from ffc.log import error

# FFC quadrature modules.
from .symbolics import type_to_string
from .symbolics import create_float
from .symbolics import create_product
from .symbolics import create_sum
from .symbolics import create_fraction
from .expr import Expr

[docs]class Symbol(Expr): __slots__ = ("v", "base_expr", "base_op", "exp", "cond") def __init__(self, variable, symbol_type, base_expr=None, base_op=0): """Initialise a Symbols object, it derives from Expr and contains the additional variables: v - string, variable name base_expr - Other expression type like 'x*y + z' base_op - number of operations for the symbol itself if it's a math operation like std::cos(.) -> base_op = 1. NOTE: self._prec = 1.""" # Dummy value, a symbol is always one. self.val = 1.0 # Initialise variable, type and class. self.v = variable self.t = symbol_type self._prec = 1 # Needed for symbols like std::cos(x*y + z), # where base_expr = x*y + z. # ops = base_expr.ops() + base_ops = 2 + 1 = 3 self.base_expr = base_expr self.base_op = base_op # If type of the base_expr is lower than the given symbol_type change type. # TODO: Should we raise an error here? Or simply require that one # initalise the symbol by Symbol('std::cos(x*y)', (x*y).t, x*y, 1). if base_expr and base_expr.t < self.t: self.t = base_expr.t # Compute the representation now, such that we can use it directly # in the __eq__ and __ne__ methods (improves performance a bit, but # only when objects are cached). if self.base_expr: # and self.exp is None: self._repr = "Symbol('%s', %s, %s, %d)" % (self.v, type_to_string[self.t], self.base_expr._repr, self.base_op) else: self._repr = "Symbol('%s', %s)" % (self.v, type_to_string[self.t]) # Use repr as hash value. self._hash = hash(self._repr) # Print functions. def __str__(self): "Simple string representation which will appear in the generated code." # print "sym str: ", self.v return self.v # Binary operators. def __add__(self, other): "Addition by other objects." # NOTE: We expect expanded objects # symbols, if other is a product, try to let product handle the addition. # Returns x + x -> 2*x, x + 2*x -> 3*x. if self._repr == other._repr: return create_product([create_float(2), self]) elif other._prec == 2: # prod return other.__add__(self) return create_sum([self, other]) def __sub__(self, other): "Subtract other objects." # NOTE: We expect expanded objects # symbols, if other is a product, try to let product handle the addition. if self._repr == other._repr: return create_float(0) elif other._prec == 2: # prod if other.get_vrs() == (self,): return create_product([create_float(1.0 - other.val), self]).expand() return create_sum([self, create_product([create_float(-1), other])]) def __mul__(self, other): "Multiplication by other objects." # NOTE: We assume expanded objects. # If product will be zero. if self.val == 0.0 or other.val == 0.0: return create_float(0) # If other is Sum or Fraction let them handle the multiply. if other._prec in (3, 4): # sum or frac return other.__mul__(self) # If other is a float or symbol, create simple product. if other._prec in (0, 1): # float or sym return create_product([self, other]) # Else add variables from product. return create_product([self] + other.vrs) def __truediv__(self, other): "Division by other objects." # NOTE: We assume expanded objects. # If division is illegal (this should definitely not happen). if other.val == 0.0: error("Division by zero.") # Return 1 if the two symbols are equal. if self._repr == other._repr: return create_float(1) # If other is a Sum we can only return a fraction. # TODO: Refine this later such that x / (x + x*y) -> 1 / (1 + y)? if other._prec == 3: # sum return create_fraction(self, other) # Handle division by FloatValue, Symbol, Product and Fraction. # Create numerator and list for denominator. num = [self] denom = [] # Add floatvalue, symbol and products to the list of denominators. if other._prec in (0, 1): # float or sym denom = [other] elif other._prec == 2: # prod # Need copies, so can't just do denom = other.vrs. denom += other.vrs # fraction. else: # TODO: Should we also support division by fraction for generality? # It should not be needed by this module. error("Did not expected to divide by fraction.") # Remove one instance of self in numerator and denominator if # present in denominator i.e., x/(x*y) --> 1/y. if self in denom: denom.remove(self) num.remove(self) # Loop entries in denominator and move float value to numerator. for d in denom: # Add the inverse of a float to the numerator, remove it from # the denominator and continue. if d._prec == 0: # float num.append(create_float(1.0 / other.val)) denom.remove(d) continue # Create appropriate return value depending on remaining data. # Can only be for x / (2*y*z) -> 0.5*x / (y*z). if len(num) > 1: num = create_product(num) # x / (y*z) -> x/(y*z), elif num: num = num[0] # else x / (x*y) -> 1/y. else: num = create_float(1) # If we have a long denominator, create product and fraction. if len(denom) > 1: return create_fraction(num, create_product(denom)) # If we do have a denominator, but only one variable don't create a # product, just return a fraction using the variable as denominator. elif denom: return create_fraction(num, denom[0]) # If we don't have any donominator left, return the numerator. # x / 2.0 -> 0.5*x. return num.expand() __div__ = __truediv__ # Public functions.
[docs] def get_unique_vars(self, var_type): "Get unique variables (Symbols) as a set." # Return self if type matches, also return base expression variables. s = set() if self.t == var_type: s.add(self) if self.base_expr: s.update(self.base_expr.get_unique_vars(var_type)) return s
[docs] def get_var_occurrences(self): """Determine the number of times all variables occurs in the expression. Returns a dictionary of variables and the number of times they occur.""" # There is only one symbol. return {self: 1}
[docs] def ops(self): "Returning the number of floating point operation for symbol." # Get base ops, typically 1 for sin() and then add the operations # for the base (sin(2*x + 1)) --> 2 + 1. if self.base_expr: return self.base_op + self.base_expr.ops() return self.base_op