Source code for ffc.quadrature.quadraturegenerator

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"Code generator for quadrature representation."

# Copyright (C) 2009-2014 Kristian B. Oelgaard
# This file is part of FFC.
# FFC is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# FFC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with FFC. If not, see <>.
# Modified by Mehdi Nikbakht 2010
# Modified by Anders Logg 2013-2014
# Modified by Martin Sandve Alnæs 2013-2014

# Python modules
import functools
import numpy

# UFL modules
from ufl.utils.sorting import sorted_by_key
from ufl.utils.derivativetuples import compute_derivative_tuples
from ufl import custom_integral_types

# FFC modules
from ffc.log import ffc_assert, error, warning
from ffc.quadrature.cpp import format, remove_unused, indent

from ffc.representationutils import initialize_integral_code

# Utility and optimization functions for quadraturegenerator
from ffc.quadrature.symbolics import generate_aux_constants

[docs]def generate_integral_code(ir, prefix, parameters): "Generate code for integral from intermediate representation." # Prefetch formatting to speedup code generation (well...) ret = format["return"] # Generate code code = initialize_integral_code(ir, prefix, parameters) code["num_cells"] = indent(ret(ir["num_cells"]), 4) code["tabulate_tensor"] = indent(_tabulate_tensor(ir, prefix, parameters), 4) code["additional_includes_set"] = ir["additional_includes_set"] precision = ir["integrals_metadata"].get("precision") if precision is not None and precision != parameters["precision"]: warning("Ignoring precision in integral metadata compiled " "using quadrature representation. Not implemented.") return code
def _tabulate_tensor(ir, prefix, parameters): "Generate code for a single integral (tabulate_tensor())." # Prefetch formatting to speedup code generation f_comment = format["comment"] f_G = format["geometry constant"] f_const_double = format["assign"] f_switch = format["switch"] f_float = format["float"] f_assign = format["assign"] f_A = format["element tensor"] f_r = format["free indices"][0] f_loop = format["generate loop"] f_int = format["int"] f_facet = format["facet"] # Get data opt_par = ir["optimise_parameters"] integral_type = ir["integral_type"] gdim = ir["geometric_dimension"] tdim = ir["topological_dimension"] num_facets = ir["num_facets"] num_vertices = ir["num_vertices"] prim_idims = ir["prim_idims"] integrals = ir["trans_integrals"] geo_consts = ir["geo_consts"] oriented = ir["needs_oriented"] element_data = ir["element_data"] num_cells = ir["num_cells"] # Create sets of used variables used_weights = set() used_psi_tables = set() used_nzcs = set() trans_set = set() sets = [used_weights, used_psi_tables, used_nzcs, trans_set] affine_tables = {} # TODO: This is not populated anywhere, remove? quadrature_rules = ir["quadrature_rules"] operations = [] if integral_type == "cell": # Generate code for computing element tensor tensor_code, mem_code, num_ops = _generate_element_tensor(integrals, sets, opt_par, gdim, tdim) tensor_code = "\n".join(tensor_code) # Set operations equal to num_ops (for printing info on operations). operations.append([num_ops]) # Generate code for basic geometric quantities jacobi_code = "" jacobi_code += format["compute_jacobian"](tdim, gdim) jacobi_code += "\n" jacobi_code += format["compute_jacobian_inverse"](tdim, gdim) if oriented: jacobi_code += format["orientation"](tdim, gdim) jacobi_code += "\n" jacobi_code += format["scale factor snippet"] # Generate code for cell volume and circumradius jacobi_code += "\n\n" + format["generate cell volume"](tdim, gdim, integral_type) jacobi_code += "\n\n" + format["generate circumradius"](tdim, gdim, integral_type) elif integral_type == "exterior_facet": # Iterate over facets cases = [None for i in range(num_facets)] for i in range(num_facets): # Update transformer with facets and generate case code + # set of used geometry terms. c, mem_code, ops = _generate_element_tensor(integrals[i], sets, opt_par, gdim, tdim) case = [f_comment("Total number of operations to compute element tensor (from this point): %d" % ops)] case += c cases[i] = "\n".join(case) # Save number of operations (for printing info on # operations). operations.append([i, ops]) # Generate tensor code for all cases using a switch. tensor_code = f_switch(f_facet(None), cases) # Generate code for basic geometric quantities jacobi_code = "" jacobi_code += format["compute_jacobian"](tdim, gdim) jacobi_code += "\n" jacobi_code += format["compute_jacobian_inverse"](tdim, gdim) if oriented: jacobi_code += format["orientation"](tdim, gdim) jacobi_code += "\n" jacobi_code += "\n\n" + format["facet determinant"](tdim, gdim) jacobi_code += "\n\n" + format["generate normal"](tdim, gdim, integral_type) jacobi_code += "\n\n" + format["generate facet area"](tdim, gdim) if tdim == 3: jacobi_code += "\n\n" + format["generate min facet edge length"](tdim, gdim) jacobi_code += "\n\n" + format["generate max facet edge length"](tdim, gdim) # Generate code for cell volume and circumradius jacobi_code += "\n\n" + format["generate cell volume"](tdim, gdim, integral_type) jacobi_code += "\n\n" + format["generate circumradius"](tdim, gdim, integral_type) elif integral_type == "interior_facet": # Modify the dimensions of the primary indices because we have # a macro element prim_idims = [d * 2 for d in prim_idims] # Iterate over combinations of facets cases = [[None for j in range(num_facets)] for i in range(num_facets)] for i in range(num_facets): for j in range(num_facets): # Update transformer with facets and generate case # code + set of used geometry terms. c, mem_code, ops = _generate_element_tensor(integrals[i][j], sets, opt_par, gdim, tdim) case = [f_comment("Total number of operations to compute element tensor (from this point): %d" % ops)] case += c cases[i][j] = "\n".join(case) # Save number of operations (for printing info on # operations). operations.append([i, j, ops]) # Generate tensor code for all cases using a switch. tensor_code = f_switch(f_facet("+"), [f_switch(f_facet("-"), cases[i]) for i in range(len(cases))]) # Generate code for basic geometric quantities jacobi_code = "" for _r in ["+", "-"]: jacobi_code += format["compute_jacobian"](tdim, gdim, r=_r) jacobi_code += "\n" jacobi_code += format["compute_jacobian_inverse"](tdim, gdim, r=_r) if oriented: jacobi_code += format["orientation"](tdim, gdim, r=_r) jacobi_code += "\n" jacobi_code += "\n\n" + format["facet determinant"](tdim, gdim, r="+") jacobi_code += "\n\n" + format["generate normal"](tdim, gdim, integral_type) jacobi_code += "\n\n" + format["generate facet area"](tdim, gdim) if tdim == 3: jacobi_code += "\n\n" + format["generate min facet edge length"](tdim, gdim, r="+") jacobi_code += "\n\n" + format["generate max facet edge length"](tdim, gdim, r="+") # Generate code for cell volume and circumradius jacobi_code += "\n\n" + format["generate cell volume"](tdim, gdim, integral_type) jacobi_code += "\n\n" + format["generate circumradius"](tdim, gdim, integral_type) elif integral_type == "vertex": # Iterate over vertices cases = [None for i in range(num_vertices)] for i in range(num_vertices): # Update transformer with vertices and generate case code # + set of used geometry terms. c, mem_code, ops = _generate_element_tensor(integrals[i], sets, opt_par, gdim, tdim) case = [f_comment("Total number of operations to compute element tensor (from this point): %d" % ops)] case += c cases[i] = "\n".join(case) # Save number of operations (for printing info on # operations). operations.append([i, ops]) # Generate tensor code for all cases using a switch. tensor_code = f_switch(format["vertex"], cases) # Generate code for basic geometric quantities jacobi_code = "" jacobi_code += format["compute_jacobian"](tdim, gdim) jacobi_code += "\n" jacobi_code += format["compute_jacobian_inverse"](tdim, gdim) if oriented: jacobi_code += format["orientation"](tdim, gdim) jacobi_code += "\n" jacobi_code += "\n\n" + format["facet determinant"](tdim, gdim) # FIXME: This is not defined in a point??? elif integral_type in custom_integral_types: # Set number of cells if integral_type == "cutcell": num_cells = 1 elif integral_type == "interface": num_cells = 2 elif integral_type == "overlap": num_cells = 2 # Warning that more than two cells in only partly supported. # The missing piece is to couple multiple cells to # restrictions other than '+' and '-'. if num_cells > 2: warning("Custom integrals with more than two cells only partly supported.") # Modify the dimensions of the primary indices because we have a macro element if num_cells == 2: prim_idims = [d * 2 for d in prim_idims] # Check whether we need to generate facet normals generate_custom_facet_normal = num_cells == 2 # Generate code for computing element tensor tensor_code, mem_code, num_ops = _generate_element_tensor(integrals, sets, opt_par, gdim, tdim, generate_custom_facet_normal) tensor_code = "\n".join(tensor_code) # Set operations equal to num_ops (for printing info on # operations). operations.append([num_ops]) # FIXME: Jacobi code is only needed when we use cell volume or # circumradius. # FIXME: Does not seem to be removed by removed_unused. # Generate code for basic geometric quantities jacobi_code = "" for i in range(num_cells): r = i if num_cells > 1 else None jacobi_code += "\n" jacobi_code += f_comment("--- Compute geometric quantities on cell %d ---" % i) jacobi_code += "\n\n" if num_cells > 1: jacobi_code += f_comment("Extract vertex coordinates\n") jacobi_code += format["extract_cell_coordinates"]((tdim + 1) * gdim * i, r=i) jacobi_code += "\n\n" jacobi_code += format["compute_jacobian"](tdim, gdim, r=r) jacobi_code += "\n" jacobi_code += format["compute_jacobian_inverse"](tdim, gdim, r=r) jacobi_code += "\n" jacobi_code += format["generate cell volume"](tdim, gdim, integral_type, r=r if num_cells > 1 else None) jacobi_code += "\n" jacobi_code += format["generate circumradius"](tdim, gdim, integral_type, r=r if num_cells > 1 else None) jacobi_code += "\n" else: error("Unhandled integral type: " + str(integral_type)) # After we have generated the element code for all facets we can # remove the unused transformations. common = [remove_unused(jacobi_code, trans_set)] # FIXME: After introduction of custom integrals, the common code # here is not really common anymore. Think about how to # restructure this function. # Add common code except for custom integrals if integral_type not in custom_integral_types: common += _tabulate_weights([quadrature_rules[p] for p in sorted(used_weights)]) # Add common code for updating tables name_map = ir["name_map"] tables = ir["unique_tables"] tables.update(affine_tables) # TODO: This is not populated anywhere, remove? common += _tabulate_psis(tables, used_psi_tables, name_map, used_nzcs, opt_par, integral_type, gdim) # Add special tabulation code for custom integral else: common += _evaluate_basis_at_quadrature_points(used_psi_tables, gdim, element_data, prefix, num_vertices, num_cells) # Reset the element tensor (array 'A' given as argument to # tabulate_tensor() by assembler) # Handle functionals. common += [f_comment("Reset values in the element tensor.")] if prim_idims == []: common += [f_assign(f_A(f_int(0)), f_float(0))] else: dim = functools.reduce(lambda v, u: v * u, prim_idims) common += f_loop([f_assign(f_A(f_r), f_float(0))], [(f_r, 0, dim)]) # Create the constant geometry declarations (only generated if # simplify expressions are enabled). geo_ops, geo_code = generate_aux_constants(geo_consts, f_G, f_const_double) if geo_code: common += [f_comment("Number of operations to compute geometry constants: %d." % geo_ops)] common += [format["declaration"](format["float declaration"], f_G(len(geo_consts)))] common += geo_code # Add comments. common += ["", f_comment("Compute element tensor using UFL quadrature representation")] common += [f_comment("Optimisations: %s" % ", ".join([str((k, opt_par[k])) for k in sorted(opt_par.keys())]))] for ops in operations: # Add geo ops count to integral ops count for writing info. if isinstance(ops[-1], int): ops[-1] += geo_ops return "\n".join(common) + "\n" + tensor_code def _generate_element_tensor(integrals, sets, optimise_parameters, gdim, tdim, generate_custom_facet_normal=False): "Construct quadrature code for element tensors." # Prefetch formats to speed up code generation. f_comment = format["comment"] f_ip = format["integration points"] f_I = format["ip constant"] f_loop = format["generate loop"] f_ip_coords = format["generate ip coordinates"] f_coords = format["coordinate_dofs"] f_double = format["float declaration"] f_decl = format["declaration"] f_X = format["ip coordinates"] f_C = format["conditional"] # Initialise return values. element_code = [] tensor_ops_count = 0 # TODO: KBO: The members_code was used when I generated the # load_table.h file which could load tables of basisfunction. This # feature has not been reimplemented. However, with the new design # where we only tabulate unique tables (and only non-zero entries) # it doesn't seem to be necessary. Should it be deleted? members_code = "" # We receive a dictionary {num_points: form,}. # Loop points and forms. for points, terms, functions, ip_consts, coordinate, conditionals in integrals: element_code += ["", f_comment("Loop quadrature points for integral.")] ip_code = [] num_ops = 0 # Generate code to compute coordinates if used. if coordinate: name, gdim, ip, r = coordinate element_code += ["", f_comment("Declare array to hold physical coordinate of quadrature point.")] element_code += [f_decl(f_double, f_X(points, gdim))] ops, coord_code = f_ip_coords(gdim, tdim, points, name, ip, r) ip_code += ["", f_comment("Compute physical coordinate of quadrature point, operations: %d." % ops)] ip_code += [coord_code] num_ops += ops # Update used psi tables and transformation set. sets[1].add(name) sets[3].add(f_coords(r)) # Generate code to compute function values. if functions: func_code, ops = _generate_functions(functions, sets) ip_code += func_code num_ops += ops # Generate code to compute conditionals (might depend on coordinates # and function values so put here). # TODO: Some conditionals might only depend on geometry so they # should be moved outside if possible. if conditionals: ip_code += [f_decl(f_double, f_C(len(conditionals)))] # Sort conditionals (need to in case of nested conditionals). reversed_conds = dict([(n, (o, e)) for e, (t, o, n) in conditionals.items()]) for num in range(len(conditionals)): name = format["conditional"](num) ops, expr = reversed_conds[num] ip_code += [f_comment("Compute conditional, operations: %d." % ops)] ip_code += [format["assign"](name, expr)] num_ops += ops # Generate code for ip constant declarations. ip_const_ops, ip_const_code = generate_aux_constants(ip_consts, f_I, format["assign"], True) num_ops += ip_const_ops if ip_const_code: ip_code += ["", f_comment("Number of operations to compute ip constants: %d" % ip_const_ops)] ip_code += [format["declaration"](format["float declaration"], f_I(len(ip_consts)))] ip_code += ip_const_code # Generate code to evaluate the element tensor. integral_code, ops = _generate_integral_code(points, terms, sets, optimise_parameters) num_ops += ops if points is None: quadrature_ops = "unknown" tensor_ops_count = "unknown" else: quadrature_ops = num_ops * points tensor_ops_count += quadrature_ops ip_code += integral_code element_code.append(f_comment ("Number of operations to compute element tensor for following IP loop = %s" % str(quadrature_ops))) # Generate code for custom facet normal if necessary if generate_custom_facet_normal: for line in ip_code: if "n_00" in line: ip_code = [format["facet_normal_custom"](gdim)] + ip_code break # Loop code over all IPs. if points == 0: element_code.append(f_comment("Only 1 integration point, omitting IP loop.")) element_code += ip_code elif points is None: num_points = "num_quadrature_points" element_code += f_loop(ip_code, [(f_ip, 0, num_points)]) else: element_code += f_loop(ip_code, [(f_ip, 0, points)]) return (element_code, members_code, tensor_ops_count) def _generate_functions(functions, sets): "Generate declarations for functions and code to compute values." f_comment = format["comment"] f_double = format["float declaration"] f_F = format["function value"] f_float = format["floating point"] f_decl = format["declaration"] f_r = format["free indices"][0] f_iadd = format["iadd"] f_loop = format["generate loop"] # Create the function declarations. code = ["", f_comment("Coefficient declarations.")] code += [f_decl(f_double, f_F(n), f_float(0)) for n in range(len(functions))] # Get sets. used_psi_tables = sets[1] used_nzcs = sets[2] # Sort functions after loop ranges. function_list = {} for key, val in functions.items(): if val[1] in function_list: function_list[val[1]].append(key) else: function_list[val[1]] = [key] total_ops = 0 # Loop ranges and get list of functions. for loop_range, list_of_functions in sorted(function_list.items()): function_expr = {} # Loop functions. func_ops = 0 for function in list_of_functions: # Get name and number. number, range_i, ops, psi_name, u_nzcs, ufl_element = functions[function] # Add name to used psi names and non zeros name to used_nzcs. used_psi_tables.add(psi_name) used_nzcs.update(u_nzcs) # TODO: This check can be removed for speed later. ffc_assert(number not in function_expr, "This is definitely not supposed to happen!") # Convert function (that might be a symbol) to a simple # string and save. function = str(function) function_expr[number] = function # Get number of operations to compute entry and add to # function operations count. func_ops += (ops + 1) * range_i # Add function operations to total count total_ops += func_ops code += ["", f_comment("Total number of operations to compute function values = %d" % func_ops)] # Sort the functions according to name and create loop to # compute the function values. lines = [f_iadd(f_F(n), function_expr[n]) for n in sorted(function_expr.keys())] code += f_loop(lines, [(f_r, 0, loop_range)]) # TODO: If loop_range == 1, this loop may be unneccessary. Not sure if it's safe to just skip it. return code, total_ops def _generate_integral_code(points, terms, sets, optimise_parameters): "Generate code to evaluate the element tensor." # Prefetch formats to speed up code generation. f_comment = format["comment"] f_iadd = format["iadd"] f_A = format["element tensor"] f_loop = format["generate loop"] f_B = format["basis constant"] # Initialise return values. code = [] num_ops = 0 loops = {} # Extract sets. used_weights, used_psi_tables, used_nzcs, trans_set = sets # Loop terms and create code. for loop, (data, entry_vals) in sorted(terms.items()): # If we don't have any entry values, there's no need to # generate the loop. if not entry_vals: continue # Get data. t_set, u_weights, u_psi_tables, u_nzcs, basis_consts = data # If we have a value, then we also need to update the sets of # used variables. trans_set.update(t_set) used_weights.update(u_weights) used_psi_tables.update(u_psi_tables) used_nzcs.update(u_nzcs) # Generate code for basis constant declarations. basis_const_ops, basis_const_code = generate_aux_constants(basis_consts, f_B, format["assign"], True) decl_code = [] if basis_consts: decl_code = [format["declaration"](format["float declaration"], f_B(len(basis_consts)))] loops[loop] = [basis_const_ops, decl_code + basis_const_code] for entry, value, ops in entry_vals: # Compute number of operations to compute entry (add 1 # because of += in assignment). entry_ops = ops + 1 # Create comment for number of operations entry_ops_comment = f_comment("Number of operations to compute entry: %d" % entry_ops) entry_code = f_iadd(f_A(entry), value) loops[loop][0] += entry_ops loops[loop][1] += [entry_ops_comment, entry_code] # Write all the loops of basis functions. for loop, ops_lines in sorted(loops.items()): ops, lines = ops_lines prim_ops = functools.reduce(lambda i, j: i * j, [ops] + [l[2] for l in loop]) # Add number of operations for current loop to total count. num_ops += prim_ops code += ["", f_comment("Number of operations for primary indices: %d" % prim_ops)] code += f_loop(lines, loop) return code, num_ops def _tabulate_weights(quadrature_rules): "Generate table of quadrature weights." # Prefetch formats to speed up code generation. f_float = format["floating point"] f_table = format["static const float declaration"] f_sep = format["list separator"] f_weight = format["weight"] f_component = format["component"] f_group = format["grouping"] f_decl = format["declaration"] f_tensor = format["tabulate tensor"] f_comment = format["comment"] f_int = format["int"] code = ["", f_comment("Array of quadrature weights.")] # Loop tables of weights and create code. for weights, points in quadrature_rules: # FIXME: For now, raise error if we don't have weights. # We might want to change this later. ffc_assert(weights.any(), "No weights.") # Create name and value for weight. num_points = len(points) name = f_weight(num_points) value = f_float(weights[0]) if len(weights) > 1: name += f_component("", f_int(num_points)) value = f_tensor(weights) code += [f_decl(f_table, name, value)] # Tabulate the quadrature points (uncomment for different # parameters). 1) Tabulate the points as: p0, p1, p2, with p0 # = (x0, y0, z0) etc. Use f_float to format the value (enable # variable precision). formatted_points = [f_group(f_sep.join([f_float(val) for val in point])) for point in points] # Create comment. comment = "Quadrature points on the UFC reference element: " \ + f_sep.join(formatted_points) code += [f_comment(comment)] # 2) Tabulate the coordinates of the points p0, p1, p2 etc. # X: x0, x1, x2 # Y: y0, y1, y2 # Z: z0, z1, z2 # comment = "Quadrature coordinates on the UFC reference element: " # code += [format["comment"](comment)] # All points have the same number of coordinates. # num_coord = len(points[0]) # All points have x-coordinates. # xs = [f_float(p[0]) for p in points] # comment = "X: " + f_sep.join(xs) # code += [format["comment"](comment)] # ys = [] # zs = [] # Tabulate y-coordinate if we have 2 or more coordinates. # if num_coord >= 2: # ys = [f_float(p[1]) for p in points] # comment = "Y: " + f_sep.join(ys) # code += [format["comment"](comment)] # Only tabulate z-coordinate if we have 3 coordinates. # if num_coord == 3: # zs = [f_float(p[2]) for p in points] # comment = "Z: " + f_sep.join(zs) # code += [format["comment"](comment)] code += [""] return code def _tabulate_psis(tables, used_psi_tables, inv_name_map, used_nzcs, optimise_parameters, integral_type, gdim): "Tabulate values of basis functions and their derivatives at quadrature points." # Prefetch formats to speed up code generation. f_comment = format["comment"] f_table = format["static const float declaration"] f_component = format["component"] f_const_uint = format["static const uint declaration"] f_nzcolumns = format["nonzero columns"] f_list = format["list"] f_decl = format["declaration"] f_tensor = format["tabulate tensor"] f_new_line = format["new line"] f_int = format["int"] # FIXME: Check if we can simplify the tabulation code = [] code += [f_comment("Values of basis functions at quadrature points.")] # Get list of non zero columns, if we ignore ones, ignore columns # with one component. if optimise_parameters["ignore ones"]: nzcs = [] for key, val in sorted(inv_name_map.items()): # Check if we have a table of ones or if number of # non-zero columns is larger than one. if val[1] and len(val[1][1]) > 1 or not val[3]: nzcs.append(val[1]) else: nzcs = [val[1] for key, val in sorted(inv_name_map.items()) if val[1]] # TODO: Do we get arrays that are not unique? new_nzcs = [] for nz in nzcs: # Only get unique arrays. if nz not in new_nzcs: new_nzcs.append(nz) # Construct name map. name_map = {} if inv_name_map: for name in sorted(inv_name_map): if inv_name_map[name][0] in name_map: name_map[inv_name_map[name][0]].append(name) else: name_map[inv_name_map[name][0]] = [name] # Loop items in table and tabulate. for name in sorted(used_psi_tables): # Only proceed if values are still used (if they're not # remapped). vals = tables[name] if vals is not None: # Add declaration to name. ip, dofs = numpy.shape(vals) decl_name = f_component(name, [ip, dofs]) # Generate array of values. value = f_tensor(vals) code += [f_decl(f_table, decl_name, f_new_line + value), ""] # Tabulate non-zero indices. if optimise_parameters["eliminate zeros"]: if name in sorted(name_map): for n in name_map[name]: if inv_name_map[n][1] and inv_name_map[n][1] in new_nzcs: i, cols = inv_name_map[n][1] if i not in used_nzcs: continue code += [f_comment("Array of non-zero columns")] value = f_list([f_int(c) for c in list(cols)]) name_col = f_component(f_nzcolumns(i), len(cols)) code += [f_decl(f_const_uint, name_col, value), ""] # Remove from list of columns. new_nzcs.remove(inv_name_map[n][1]) return code def _evaluate_basis_at_quadrature_points(psi_tables, gdim, element_data, form_prefix, num_vertices, num_cells): "Generate code for calling evaluate basis (derivatives) at quadrature points" # Prefetch formats to speed up code generation f_comment = format["comment"] f_declaration = format["declaration"] f_static_array = format["static array"] f_loop = format["generate loop"] f_eval_basis_decl = format["eval_basis_decl"] f_eval_basis_init = format["eval_basis_init"] f_eval_basis = format["eval_basis"] f_eval_basis_copy = format["eval_basis_copy"] f_eval_derivs_decl = format["eval_derivs_decl"] f_eval_derivs_init = format["eval_derivs_init"] f_eval_derivs = format["eval_derivs"] f_eval_derivs_copy = format["eval_derivs_copy"] code = [] # Extract prefixes for tables prefixes = sorted(set(table.split("_")[0] for table in psi_tables)) # Use lower case prefix for form name form_prefix = form_prefix.lower() # The psi_tables used by the quadrature code are for scalar # components of specific derivatives, while tabulate_basis_all and # tabulate_basis_derivatives_all return data including all # possible components and derivatives. We therefore need to # iterate over prefixes (= elements), call tabulate_basis_all or # tabulate_basis_derivatives all, and then extract the relevant # data and fill in the psi_tables. We therefore need to extract # for each prefix, which tables need to be filled in. # For each unique prefix, check which derivatives and components # are used used_derivatives_and_components = {} for prefix in prefixes: used_derivatives_and_components[prefix] = {} for table in psi_tables: if prefix not in table: continue # Check for derivative if "_D" in table: d = table.split("_D")[1].split("_")[0] n = sum([int(_d) for _d in d]) # FIXME: Assume at most 9 derivatives... else: n = 0 # Check for component if "_C" in table: c = table.split("_C")[1].split("_")[0] else: c = None # Note that derivative has been used if n not in used_derivatives_and_components[prefix]: used_derivatives_and_components[prefix][n] = set() used_derivatives_and_components[prefix][n].add(c) # Generate code for setting quadrature weights code += [f_comment("Set quadrature weights")] code += [f_declaration("const double*", "W", "quadrature_weights")] code += [""] # Generate code for calling evaluate_basis_[derivatives_]all for prefix in prefixes: # Get element data for current element counter = int(prefix.split("FE")[1]) space_dim = element_data[counter]["num_element_dofs"] value_size = element_data[counter]["physical_value_size"] element_classname = element_data[counter]["classname"] # Iterate over derivative orders for n, components in sorted_by_key(used_derivatives_and_components[prefix]): # components are a set and need to be sorted components = sorted(components) # Code for evaluate_basis_all (n = 0 which means it's not # a derivative) if n == 0: code += [f_comment("--- Evaluation of basis functions ---")] code += [""] # Compute variables for code generation eval_stride = value_size eval_size = space_dim * eval_stride table_size = num_cells * space_dim # Iterate over components and initialize tables for c in components: # Set name of table if c is None: table_name = prefix else: table_name = prefix + "_C%s" % c # Generate code for declaration of table code += [f_comment("Create table %s for basis function values on all cells" % table_name)] code += [f_eval_basis_decl % {"table_name": table_name}] code += [f_eval_basis_init % {"table_name": table_name, "table_size": table_size}] code += [""] # Iterate over cells in macro element and evaluate basis for cell_number in range(num_cells): # Compute variables for code generation eval_name = "%s_values_%d" % (prefix, cell_number) table_offset = cell_number * space_dim vertex_offset = cell_number * num_vertices * gdim # Generate block of code for loop block = [] # Generate code for calling evaluate_basis_all block += [f_eval_basis % {"classname": element_classname, "eval_name": eval_name, "gdim": gdim, "vertex_offset": vertex_offset}] # Iterate over components and extract values for c in components: # Set name of table and component offset if c is None: table_name = prefix eval_offset = 0 else: table_name = prefix + "_C%s" % c eval_offset = int(c) # Generate code for copying values block += [""] block += [f_eval_basis_copy % {"table_name": table_name, "eval_name": eval_name, "eval_stride": eval_stride, "eval_offset": eval_offset, "space_dim": space_dim, "table_offset": table_offset}] # Generate code code += [f_comment("Evaluate basis functions on cell %d" % cell_number)] code += [f_static_array("double", eval_name, eval_size)] code += f_loop(block, [("ip", 0, "num_quadrature_points")]) code += [""] # Code for evaluate_basis_derivatives_all (derivative of degree n > 0) else: code += [f_comment("--- Evaluation of basis function derivatives of order %d ---" % n)] code += [""] # FIXME: We extract values for all possible # derivatives, even # FIXME: if not all are used. (For components, we # extract only # FIXME: components that are actually used.) This may # be optimized # FIXME: but the extra cost is likely small. # Get derivative tuples __, deriv_tuples = compute_derivative_tuples(n, gdim) # Generate names for derivatives derivs = ["".join(str(_d) for _d in d) for d in deriv_tuples] # Compute variables for code generation eval_stride = value_size * len(derivs) eval_size = space_dim * eval_stride table_size = num_cells * space_dim # Iterate over derivatives and initialize tables seen_derivs = set() for d in derivs: # Skip derivative if seen before (d^2/dxdy = d^2/dydx) if d in seen_derivs: continue seen_derivs.add(d) # Iterate over components for c in components: # Set name of table if c is None: table_name = prefix + "_D%s" % d else: table_name = prefix + "_C%s_D%s" % (c, d) # Generate code for declaration of table code += [f_comment("Create table %s for basis function derivatives on all cells" % table_name)] code += [(f_eval_derivs_decl % {"table_name": table_name})] code += [(f_eval_derivs_init % {"table_name": table_name, "table_size": table_size})] code += [""] # Iterate over cells (in macro element) for cell_number in range(num_cells): # Compute variables for code generation eval_name = "%s_dvalues_%d_%d" % (prefix, n, cell_number) table_offset = cell_number * space_dim vertex_offset = cell_number * num_vertices * gdim # Generate block of code for loop block = [] # Generate code for calling evaluate_basis_derivatives_all block += [f_eval_derivs % {"classname": element_classname, "eval_name": eval_name, "gdim": gdim, "vertex_offset": vertex_offset, "n": n}] # Iterate over derivatives and extract values seen_derivs = set() for i, d in enumerate(derivs): # Skip derivative if seen before (d^2/dxdy = d^2/dydx) if d in seen_derivs: continue seen_derivs.add(d) # Iterate over components for c in components: # Set name of table and component offset if c is None: table_name = prefix + "_D%s" % d eval_offset = i else: table_name = prefix + "_C%s_D%s" % (c, d) eval_offset = len(derivs) * int(c) + i # Generate code for copying values block += [""] block += [(f_eval_derivs_copy % {"table_name": table_name, "eval_name": eval_name, "eval_stride": eval_stride, "eval_offset": eval_offset, "space_dim": space_dim, "table_offset": table_offset})] # Generate code code += [f_comment("Evaluate basis function derivatives on cell %d" % cell_number)] code += [f_static_array("double", eval_name, eval_size)] code += f_loop(block, [("ip", 0, "num_quadrature_points")]) code += [""] # Add newline code += [""] return code