Source code for ffc.fiatinterface

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Copyright (C) 2009-2017 Kristian B. Oelgaard and Anders Logg
# This file is part of FFC.
# FFC is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# FFC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with FFC. If not, see <>.
# Modified by Garth N. Wells, 2009.
# Modified by Marie Rognes, 2009-2013.
# Modified by Martin Sandve Alnæs, 2013
# Modified by Lizao Li, 2015, 2016

# Python modules
import numpy
from numpy import array

# UFL and FIAT modules
import ufl
import FIAT
from FIAT.enriched import EnrichedElement
from FIAT.hdiv_trace import HDivTrace
from FIAT.mixed import MixedElement
from FIAT.P0 import P0
from FIAT.restricted import RestrictedElement
from FIAT.quadrature_element import QuadratureElement
from FIAT.tensor_product import FlattenedDimensions

# FFC modules
from ffc.log import debug, error

# Dictionary mapping from cellname to dimension
from ufl.cell import cellname2dim

# Element families supported by FFC
supported_families = ("Brezzi-Douglas-Marini",
                      "Discontinuous Lagrange",
                      "Discontinuous Raviart-Thomas",
                      "HDiv Trace",
                      "Nedelec 1st kind H(curl)",
                      "Nedelec 2nd kind H(curl)",

# Cache for computed elements
_cache = {}

[docs]class SpaceOfReals(object): """Constant over the entire domain, rather than just cellwise."""
[docs]def reference_cell(cellname): "Return FIAT reference cell" return FIAT.ufc_cell(cellname)
[docs]def reference_cell_vertices(cellname): "Return dict of coordinates of reference cell vertices for this 'cellname'." cell = reference_cell(cellname) return cell.get_vertices()
[docs]def create_element(ufl_element): # Create element signature for caching (just use UFL element) element_signature = ufl_element # Check cache if element_signature in _cache: debug("Reusing element from cache") return _cache[element_signature] # Create regular FIAT finite element if isinstance(ufl_element, ufl.FiniteElement): element = _create_fiat_element(ufl_element) # Create mixed element (implemented by FFC) elif isinstance(ufl_element, ufl.MixedElement): elements = _extract_elements(ufl_element) element = MixedElement(elements) # Create element union elif isinstance(ufl_element, ufl.EnrichedElement): elements = [create_element(e) for e in ufl_element._elements] element = EnrichedElement(*elements) # Create restricted element elif isinstance(ufl_element, ufl.RestrictedElement): element = _create_restricted_element(ufl_element) else: error("Cannot handle this element type: %s" % str(ufl_element)) # Store in cache _cache[element_signature] = element return element
def _create_fiat_element(ufl_element): "Create FIAT element corresponding to given finite element." # Get element data family = cell = ufl_element.cell() cellname = cell.cellname() degree = # Check that FFC supports this element if family not in supported_families: error("This element family (%s) is not supported by FFC." % family) # Create FIAT cell fiat_cell = reference_cell(cellname) # Handle the space of the constant if family == "Real": element = _create_fiat_element(ufl.FiniteElement("DG", cell, 0)) element.__class__ = type('SpaceOfReals', (type(element), SpaceOfReals), {}) return element # Refuse to work with DQ elements until it is rigorously tested they work if family == "DQ" and degree >= 1: error("Sorry, DQ elements need a bit more love.") # Handle quadrilateral case by reconstructing the element with cell TensorProductCell (interval x interval) if cellname == "quadrilateral": quadrilateral_tpc = ufl.TensorProductCell(ufl.Cell("interval"), ufl.Cell("interval")) return FlattenedDimensions(_create_fiat_element(ufl_element.reconstruct(cell = quadrilateral_tpc))) # Handle hexahedron case by reconstructing the element with cell TensorProductCell (quadrilateral x interval) # This creates TensorProductElement(TensorProductElement(interval, interval), interval) # Therefore dof entities consists of nested tuples, example: ((0, 1), 1) elif cellname == "hexahedron": hexahedron_tpc = ufl.TensorProductCell(ufl.Cell("quadrilateral"), ufl.Cell("interval")) return FlattenedDimensions(_create_fiat_element(ufl_element.reconstruct(cell = hexahedron_tpc))) # FIXME: AL: Should this really be here? # Handle QuadratureElement if family == "Quadrature": # Compute number of points per axis from the degree of the element scheme = ufl_element.quadrature_scheme() assert degree is not None assert scheme is not None # Create quadrature (only interested in points) # TODO: KBO: What should we do about quadrature functions that live on ds, dS? # Get cell and facet names. points, weights = create_quadrature(cellname, degree, scheme) # Make element element = QuadratureElement(fiat_cell, points) else: # Check if finite element family is supported by FIAT if family not in FIAT.supported_elements: error("Sorry, finite element of type \"%s\" are not supported by FIAT.", family) ElementClass = FIAT.supported_elements[family] # Create tensor product FIAT finite element if isinstance(ufl_element, ufl.TensorProductElement): A = create_element(ufl_element.sub_elements()[0]) B = create_element(ufl_element.sub_elements()[1]) element = ElementClass(A, B) # Create normal FIAT finite element else: if degree is None: element = ElementClass(fiat_cell) else: element = ElementClass(fiat_cell, degree) # Consistency check between UFL and FIAT elements. if element.value_shape() != ufl_element.reference_value_shape(): error("Something went wrong in the construction of FIAT element from UFL element." + "Shapes are %s and %s." % (element.value_shape(), ufl_element.reference_value_shape())) return element
[docs]def create_quadrature(shape, degree, scheme="default"): """ Generate quadrature rule (points, weights) for given shape that will integrate an polynomial of order 'degree' exactly. """ if isinstance(shape, int) and shape == 0: return (numpy.zeros((1, 0)), numpy.ones((1,))) if shape in cellname2dim and cellname2dim[shape] == 0: return (numpy.zeros((1, 0)), numpy.ones((1,))) if scheme == "vertex": # The vertex scheme, i.e., averaging the function value in the vertices # and multiplying with the simplex volume, is only of order 1 and # inferior to other generic schemes in terms of error reduction. # Equation systems generated with the vertex scheme have some # properties that other schemes lack, e.g., the mass matrix is # a simple diagonal matrix. This may be prescribed in certain cases. if degree > 1: from warnings import warn warn(("Explicitly selected vertex quadrature (degree 1), " + "but requested degree is %d.") % degree) if shape == "tetrahedron": return (array([[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 1.0]]), array([1.0 / 24.0, 1.0 / 24.0, 1.0 / 24.0, 1.0 / 24.0]) ) elif shape == "triangle": return (array([[0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0]]), array([1.0 / 6.0, 1.0 / 6.0, 1.0 / 6.0]) ) elif shape == "interval": # Trapezoidal rule. return (array([[0.0], [1.0]]), array([1.0 / 2.0, 1.0 / 2.0]) ) quad_rule = FIAT.create_quadrature(reference_cell(shape), degree, scheme) points = numpy.asarray(quad_rule.get_points()) weights = numpy.asarray(quad_rule.get_weights()) return points, weights
[docs]def map_facet_points(points, facet, cellname): """ Map points from the e (UFC) reference simplex of dimension d - 1 to a given facet on the (UFC) reference simplex of dimension d. This may be used to transform points tabulated for example on the 2D reference triangle to points on a given facet of the reference tetrahedron. """ # Extract the geometric dimension of the points we want to map dim = len(points[0]) + 1 # Special case, don't need to map coordinates on vertices if dim == 1: return [[(0.0,), (1.0,)][facet]] # Get the FIAT reference cell fiat_cell = reference_cell(cellname) # Extract vertex coordinates from cell and map of facet index to # indicent vertex indices coordinate_dofs = fiat_cell.get_vertices() facet_vertices = fiat_cell.get_topology()[dim - 1] # coordinate_dofs = \ # {1: ((0.,), (1.,)), # 2: ((0., 0.), (1., 0.), (0., 1.)), # 3: ((0., 0., 0.), (1., 0., 0.),(0., 1., 0.), (0., 0., 1))} # Facet vertices # facet_vertices = \ # {2: ((1, 2), (0, 2), (0, 1)), # 3: ((1, 2, 3), (0, 2, 3), (0, 1, 3), (0, 1, 2))} # Compute coordinates and map the points coordinates = [coordinate_dofs[v] for v in facet_vertices[facet]] new_points = [] for point in points: w = (1.0 - sum(point),) + tuple(point) x = tuple(sum([w[i] * array(coordinates[i]) for i in range(len(w))])) new_points += [x] return new_points
def _extract_elements(ufl_element, restriction_domain=None): "Recursively extract un-nested list of (component) elements." elements = [] if isinstance(ufl_element, ufl.MixedElement): for sub_element in ufl_element.sub_elements(): elements += _extract_elements(sub_element, restriction_domain) return elements # Handle restricted elements since they might be mixed elements too. if isinstance(ufl_element, ufl.RestrictedElement): base_element = ufl_element.sub_element() restriction_domain = ufl_element.restriction_domain() return _extract_elements(base_element, restriction_domain) if restriction_domain: ufl_element = ufl.RestrictedElement(ufl_element, restriction_domain) elements += [create_element(ufl_element)] return elements def _create_restricted_element(ufl_element): "Create an FFC representation for an UFL RestrictedElement." if not isinstance(ufl_element, ufl.RestrictedElement): error("create_restricted_element expects an ufl.RestrictedElement") base_element = ufl_element.sub_element() restriction_domain = ufl_element.restriction_domain() # If simple element -> create RestrictedElement from fiat_element if isinstance(base_element, ufl.FiniteElement): element = _create_fiat_element(base_element) return RestrictedElement(element, restriction_domain=restriction_domain) # If restricted mixed element -> convert to mixed restricted element if isinstance(base_element, ufl.MixedElement): elements = _extract_elements(base_element, restriction_domain) return MixedElement(elements) error("Cannot create restricted element from %s" % str(ufl_element))