Source code for ffc.backends.dolfin.form

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2011 Marie E. Rognes
# This file is part of DOLFIN.
# DOLFIN is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# DOLFIN is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with DOLFIN. If not, see <>.
# Based on original implementation by Martin Alnes and Anders Logg
# Modified by Anders Logg 2015
# Last changed: 2016-03-02

from .includes import snippets
from .functionspace import *
from .goalfunctional import generate_update_ec

__all__ = ["generate_form"]

[docs]def generate_form(form, classname, error_control): """Generate dolfin wrapper code associated with a form including code for function spaces used in form and typedefs @param form: A UFCFormNames instance @param classname Name of Form class. """ blocks = [] # Generate code for Form_x_FunctionSpace_y subclasses wrap = apply_function_space_template blocks += [wrap("%s_FunctionSpace_%d" % (classname, i), form.ufc_finite_element_classnames[i], form.ufc_dofmap_classnames[i]) for i in range(form.rank)] # Generate code for Form_x_MultiMeshFunctionSpace_y subclasses wrap = apply_multimesh_function_space_template if not error_control: # FIXME: Issue #91 blocks += [wrap("%s_MultiMeshFunctionSpace_%d" % (classname, i), "%s_FunctionSpace_%d" % (classname, i), form.ufc_finite_element_classnames[i], form.ufc_dofmap_classnames[i]) for i in range(form.rank)] # Add typedefs CoefficientSpace_z -> Form_x_FunctionSpace_y blocks += ["typedef CoefficientSpace_%s %s_FunctionSpace_%d;\n" % (form.coefficient_names[i], classname, form.rank + i) for i in range(form.num_coefficients)] # Generate Form subclass blocks += [generate_form_class(form, classname, error_control)] # Return code return "\n".join(blocks)
def generate_form_class(form, classname, error_control): "Generate dolfin wrapper code for a single Form class." # Generate constructors constructors = generate_form_constructors(form, classname) multimesh_constructors = generate_multimesh_form_constructors(form, classname) # Generate data for coefficient assignments (number, name) = generate_coefficient_map_data(form) # Generate typedefs for FunctionSpace subclasses for Coefficients typedefs = [" // Typedefs", generate_typedefs(form, classname, error_control), ""] # Member variables for coefficients members = [" dolfin::CoefficientAssigner %s;" % coefficient for coefficient in form.coefficient_names] if form.superclassname == "GoalFunctional": members += [generate_update_ec(form)] # Group typedefs and members together for inserting into template additionals = "\n".join(typedefs + [" // Coefficients"] + members) # Wrap functions in class body code = "" code += apply_form_template(classname, constructors, number, name, additionals, form.superclassname) code += "\n" if not error_control: code += apply_multimesh_form_template(classname, multimesh_constructors, number, name, additionals, form.superclassname) # Return code return code def generate_coefficient_map_data(form): """Generate data for code for the functions Form::coefficient_number and Form::coefficient_name.""" # Write error if no coefficients if form.num_coefficients == 0: message = '''\ dolfin::dolfin_error("generated code for class %s", "access coefficient data", "There are no coefficients");''' % form.superclassname num = "\n %s\n return 0;" % message name = '\n %s\n return "unnamed";' % message return (num, name) # Otherwise create switch ifstr = "if " num = "" name = ' switch (i)\n {\n' for i, coeff in enumerate(form.coefficient_names): num += ' %s(name == "%s")\n return %d;\n' % (ifstr, coeff, i) name += ' case %d:\n return "%s";\n' % (i, coeff) ifstr = 'else if ' # Create final return message = '''\ dolfin::dolfin_error("generated code for class %s", "access coefficient data", "Invalid coefficient");''' % form.superclassname num += "\n %s\n return 0;" % message name += ' }\n\n %s\n return "unnamed";' % message return (num, name) def generate_form_constructors(form, classname): """Generate the dolfin::Form constructors for different combinations of references/shared pointers etc.""" # FIXME: This can be simplied now that we don't create reference version coeffs = ("shared_ptr_coefficient",) spaces = ("shared_ptr_space",) # Treat functionals a little special if form.rank == 0: spaces = ("shared_ptr_mesh",) # Generate permutations of constructors constructors = [] for space in spaces: constructors += [generate_constructor(form, classname, space)] if form.num_coefficients > 0: constructors += [generate_constructor(form, classname, space, coeff) for coeff in coeffs] # Return joint constructor code return "\n\n".join(constructors) def generate_multimesh_form_constructors(form, classname): """Generate the dolfin::MultiMeshForm constructors for different combinations of references/shared pointers etc.""" # FIXME: This can be simplied now that we don't create reference version coeffs = ("shared_ptr_coefficient",) spaces = ("multimesh_shared_ptr_space",) # Treat functionals a little special if form.rank == 0: spaces = ("shared_ptr_multimesh",) # Generate permutations of constructors constructors = [] for space in spaces: constructors += [generate_multimesh_constructor(form, classname, space)] if form.num_coefficients > 0: constructors += [generate_multimesh_constructor(form, classname, space, coeff) for coeff in coeffs] # Return joint constructor code return "\n\n".join(constructors) def generate_constructor(form, classname, space_tag, coefficient_tag=None): "Generate a single Form constructor according to the given parameters." # Extract correct code snippets (argument, assign) = snippets[space_tag] # Construct list of arguments and function space assignments name = "V%d" if form.rank > 0: arguments = [argument % (name % i) for i in reversed(range(form.rank))] assignments = [assign % (i, name % i) for i in range(form.rank)] else: arguments = [argument] assignments = [assign] # Add coefficients to argument/assignment lists if specified if coefficient_tag is not None: (argument, assign) = snippets[coefficient_tag] arguments += [argument % name for name in form.coefficient_names] if form.rank > 0: # FIXME: To match old generated code only assignments += [""] assignments += [assign % (name, name) for name in form.coefficient_names] # Add assignment of _ufc_form variable line = "\n _ufc_form = std::make_shared<const %s>();" # FIXME: To match old generated code only if form.rank == 0 and coefficient_tag is None: line = " _ufc_form = std::make_shared<const %s>();" assignments += [line % form.ufc_form_classname] # Construct list for initialization of Coefficient references initializers = ["%s(*this, %d)" % (name, number) for (number, name) in enumerate(form.coefficient_names)] # Join lists together arguments = ", ".join(arguments) initializers = ", " + ", ".join(initializers) if initializers else "" body = "\n".join(assignments) # Wrap code into template args = {"classname": classname, "rank": form.rank, "num_coefficients": form.num_coefficients, "arguments": arguments, "initializers": initializers, "body": body, "superclass": form.superclassname } code = form_constructor_template % args return code def generate_multimesh_constructor(form, classname, space_tag, coefficient_tag=None): "Generate a single Form constructor according to the given parameters." # Extract correct code snippets (argument, dummy) = snippets[space_tag] # Construct list of arguments name = "V%d" if form.rank > 0: arguments = [argument % (name % i) for i in reversed(range(form.rank))] spaces = [name % i for i in reversed(range(form.rank))] else: arguments = [argument] spaces = "mesh" # Add coefficients to argument/assignment lists if specified assignments = [] if coefficient_tag is not None: (argument, assign) = snippets[coefficient_tag] arguments += [argument % name for name in form.coefficient_names] if form.rank > 0: # FIXME: To match old generated code only assignments += [""] assignments += [assign % (name, name) for name in form.coefficient_names] # Construct list for initialization of Coefficient references initializers = ["%s(*this, %d)" % (name, number) for (number, name) in enumerate(form.coefficient_names)] # Join lists together arguments = ", ".join(arguments) initializers = ", " + ", ".join(initializers) if initializers else "" # Ignore if functional if form.rank != 0: spaces = ", ".join(spaces) # Set access method if space_tag == "multimesh_shared_ptr_space": access = "->" else: access = "." # Create body for building multimesh function space body = "" body += " // Create and add standard forms\n" body += " std::size_t num_parts = V0%snum_parts(); // assume all equal and pick first\n" % access body += " for (std::size_t part = 0; part < num_parts; part++)\n" body += " {\n" body += " std::shared_ptr<dolfin::Form> a(new %s(%s));\n" % (classname, ", ".join("V%d%spart(part)" % (i, access) for i in reversed(range(form.rank)))) body += " add(a);\n\n" body += " }\n" body += " // Build multimesh form\n" body += " build();\n" # FIXME: Issue #91 if form.rank == 0: body = "" body += " // Creating a form for each part of the mesh\n" body += " for (std::size_t i=0; i< mesh->num_parts(); i++)\n" body += " {\n" body += " std::shared_ptr<dolfin::Form> a(new %s(mesh->part(i))); " % (classname) body += " add(a);" body += " }\n" body += " // Build multimesh form\n" body += " build();\n" # Create body for assigning coefficients body += "\n /// Assign coefficients" body += "\n".join(assignments) + "\n" # Wrap code into template args = {"classname": classname, "rank": form.rank, "num_coefficients": form.num_coefficients, "arguments": arguments, "spaces": spaces, "initializers": initializers, "body": body, "superclass": form.superclassname } code = multimesh_form_constructor_template % args return code form_class_template = """\ class %(classname)s: public dolfin::%(superclass)s { public: %(constructors)s // Destructor ~%(classname)s() {} /// Return the number of the coefficient with this name virtual std::size_t coefficient_number(const std::string& name) const { %(coefficient_number)s } /// Return the name of the coefficient with this number virtual std::string coefficient_name(std::size_t i) const { %(coefficient_name)s } %(members)s }; """ multimesh_form_class_template = """\ class MultiMesh%(classname)s: public dolfin::MultiMesh%(superclass)s { public: %(constructors)s // Destructor ~MultiMesh%(classname)s() {} /// Return the number of the coefficient with this name virtual std::size_t coefficient_number(const std::string& name) const { %(coefficient_number)s } /// Return the name of the coefficient with this number virtual std::string coefficient_name(std::size_t i) const { %(coefficient_name)s } %(members)s }; """ # Template code for Form constructor form_constructor_template = """\ // Constructor %(classname)s(%(arguments)s): dolfin::%(superclass)s(%(rank)d, %(num_coefficients)d)%(initializers)s { %(body)s }""" multimesh_form_constructor_template = """\ // Constructor MultiMesh%(classname)s(%(arguments)s): dolfin::MultiMesh%(superclass)s(%(spaces)s)%(initializers)s { %(body)s }""" def apply_form_template(classname, constructors, number, name, members, superclass): args = {"classname": classname, "superclass": superclass, "constructors": constructors, "coefficient_number": number, "coefficient_name": name, "members": members} return form_class_template % args def apply_multimesh_form_template(classname, constructors, number, name, members, superclass): members = members.replace("CoefficientAssigner", "MultiMeshCoefficientAssigner") # hack args = {"classname": classname, "superclass": superclass, "constructors": constructors, "coefficient_number": number, "coefficient_name": name, "members": members} return multimesh_form_class_template % args