A simple eigenvalue solver (C++)

We recommend that you are familiar with the demo for the Poisson equation before looking at this demo.


Running this demo requires the files: main.cpp, StiffnessMatrix.ufl and CMakeLists.txt.

Under construction

#include <dolfin.h>
#include "StiffnessMatrix.h"

using namespace dolfin;

int main()
  #ifdef HAS_SLEPC

  // Create mesh
  auto mesh = std::make_shared<Mesh>("../box_with_dent.xml.gz");

  // Build stiffness matrix
  auto A = std::make_shared<PETScMatrix>();
  auto V = std::make_shared<StiffnessMatrix::FunctionSpace>(mesh);
  StiffnessMatrix::BilinearForm a(V, V);
  assemble(*A, a);

  // Create eigensolver
  SLEPcEigenSolver esolver(A);

  // Compute all eigenvalues of A x = \lambda x

  // Extract largest (first, n =0) eigenpair
  double r, c;
  PETScVector rx, cx;
  esolver.get_eigenpair(r, c, rx, cx, 0);

  cout << "Largest eigenvalue: " << r << endl;

  // Initialize function with eigenvector
  Function u(V);
  *u.vector() = rx;

  // Plot eigenfunction


  dolfin::cout << "SLEPc must be installed to run this demo." << dolfin::endl;


  return 0;