dijitso package


dijitso.build module

Utilities for building libraries with dijitso.

dijitso.build.build_shared_library(signature, header, source, dependencies, params)

Build shared library from a source file and store library in cache.

dijitso.build.make_compile_command(src_filename, lib_filename, dependencies, build_params, cache_params)

Piece together the compile command from build params.

Returns the command as a list with the command and its arguments.


Take a sequence of hashable items and return a tuple including each only once.

Preserves original ordering.


Return a uniquely named temp directory.

Optionally residing under temp_dir_root from cache_params.

dijitso.cache module

Utilities for disk cache features of dijitso.

dijitso.cache.analyse_load_error(e, lib_filename, cache_params)

Check dijitso cache integrity.

dijitso.cache.clean_cache(cache_params, dryrun=True, categories=('inc', 'src', 'lib', 'log'))

Delete files from cache.

dijitso.cache.compress_source_code(src_filename, cache_params)

Keep, delete or compress source code based on value of cache parameter ‘src_storage’.

Can be “keep”, “delete”, or “compress”.

dijitso.cache.create_fail_dir_path(signature, cache_params)

Create path name to place files after a module build failure.

dijitso.cache.create_inc_basename(signature, cache_params)

Create header filename based on signature and params.

dijitso.cache.create_inc_filename(signature, cache_params)

Create header filename based on signature and params.

dijitso.cache.create_lib_basename(signature, cache_params)

Create library filename based on signature and params.

dijitso.cache.create_lib_filename(signature, cache_params)

Create library filename based on signature and params.

dijitso.cache.create_libname(signature, cache_params)

Create library name based on signature and params, without path, prefix ‘lib’, or extension ‘.so’.

dijitso.cache.create_log_filename(signature, cache_params)

Create log filename based on signature and params.

dijitso.cache.create_src_basename(signature, cache_params)

Create source code filename based on signature and params.

dijitso.cache.create_src_filename(signature, cache_params)

Create source code filename based on signature and params.

dijitso.cache.extract_files(signature, cache_params, prefix='', path='.', categories=('inc', 'src', 'lib', 'log'))

Make a copy of files stored under this signature.

Target filenames are ‘<path>/<prefix>-<signature>.*’


Extract function code starting at first line of lines.


Extract signatures from library files in cache.

dijitso.cache.get_dijitso_dependencies(libname, cache_params)

Run ldd and filter output to only include dijitso cache entries.

dijitso.cache.glob_cache(cache_params, categories=('inc', 'src', 'lib', 'log'))

Return dict with contents of cache subdirectories.

dijitso.cache.grep_cache(regex, cache_params, linenumbers=False, countonly=False, signature=None, categories=('inc', 'src', 'log'))

Search through files in cache for a pattern.

dijitso.cache.load_library(signature, cache_params)

Load existing dynamic library from disk.

Returns library module if found, otherwise None.

If found, the module is placed in memory cache for later lookup_lib calls.

dijitso.cache.lookup_lib(lib_signature, cache_params)

Lookup library in memory cache then in disk cache.

Returns library module if found, otherwise None.

dijitso.cache.read_inc(signature, cache_params)

Lookup header file in disk cache and return file contents or None.


Read compiled shared library as binary blob into a numpy byte array.

dijitso.cache.read_log(signature, cache_params)

Lookup log file in disk cache and return file contents or None.

dijitso.cache.read_src(signature, cache_params)

Lookup source code in disk cache and return file contents or None.

dijitso.cache.report_cache_integrity(dmissing, out=<function warning>)

Print cache integrity report.

dijitso.cache.store_inc(signature, content, cache_params)

Store header file within dijitso directories.

dijitso.cache.store_log(signature, content, cache_params)

Store log file within dijitso directories.

dijitso.cache.store_src(signature, content, cache_params)

Store source code in file within dijitso directories.

dijitso.cache.write_library_binary(lib_data, signature, cache_params)

Store compiled shared library from binary blob in numpy byte array to cache.

dijitso.cmdline module

This file contains the commands available through command-line dijitso-cache.

Each function cmd_<cmdname> becomes a subcommand invoked by:

dijitso-cache cmdname ...args

The docstrings in the cmd_<cmdname> are shown when running:

dijitso-cache cmdname --help

The ‘args’ argument to cmd_* is a Namespace object with the commandline arguments.

dijitso.cmdline.cmd_checkout(args, params)

copy files from cache to a directory

dijitso.cmdline.cmd_clean(args, params)

remove files from cache

dijitso.cmdline.cmd_config(args, params)

show configuration

dijitso.cmdline.cmd_grep(args, params)

grep content of header and source file(s) in cache

dijitso.cmdline.cmd_grepfunction(args, params)

search for function name in source files in cache

dijitso.cmdline.cmd_show(args, params)

show lists of files in cache

dijitso.cmdline.cmd_version(args, params)

print dijitso version


dijitso.jit module

This module contains the main jit() function and related utilities.

exception dijitso.jit.DijitsoError(message, err_info)

Bases: RuntimeError

dijitso.jit.extract_factory_function(lib, name)

Extract function from loaded library.

Assuming signature (void *)(), for anything else use look at ctypes documentation.

Returns the factory function or raises error.

dijitso.jit.jit(jitable, name, params, generate=None, send=None, receive=None, wait=None)

Just-in-time compile and import of a shared library with a cache mechanism.

A signature is computed from the name, params[“generator”], and params[“build”]. The name should be a unique identifier for the jitable, preferrably produced by a good hash function.

The signature is used to identity if the library has already been compiled and cached. A two-level memory and disk cache ensures good performance for repeated lookups within a single program as well as persistence across program runs.

If no library has been cached, the passed ‘generate’ function is called to generate the source code:

header, source, dependencies = generate(jitable, name, signature, params[“generator”])

It is expected to translate the ‘jitable’ object into C or C++ (default) source code which will subsequently be compiled as a shared library and stored in the disk cache. The returned ‘dependencies’ should be a tuple of signatures returned from other completed dijitso.jit calls, and are linked to when building.

The compiled shared library is then loaded with ctypes and returned.

For use in a parallel (MPI) context, three functions send, receive, and wait can be provided. Each process can take on a different role depending on whether generate, or receive, or neither is provided.

  • Every process that gets a generate function is called a ‘builder’, and will generate and compile code as described above on a cache miss. If the function send is provided, it will then send the shared library binary file as a binary blob by calling send(numpy_array).
  • Every process that gets a receive function is called a ‘receiver’, and will call ‘numpy_array = receive()’ expecting the binary blob with a compiled binary shared library which will subsequently be written to file in the local disk cache.
  • The rest of the processes are called ‘waiters’ and will do nothing.
  • If provided, all processes will call wait() before attempting to load the freshly compiled library from disk cache.

The intention of the above pattern is to be flexible, allowing several different strategies for sharing build results. The user of dijitso can determine groups of processes that share a disk cache, and assign one process per physical disk cache directory to write to that directory, avoiding multiple processes writing to the same files.

This forms the basis for three main strategies:

  • Build on every process.
  • Build on one process per physical cache directory.
  • Build on a single global root node and send a copy of the binary to one process per physical cache directory.

It is highly recommended to avoid have multiple builder processes sharing a physical cache directory.

dijitso.jit.jit_signature(name, params)

Compute the signature that jit will use for given name and params.

dijitso.log module


Set verbosity of logging. Argument is int or one of “INFO”, “WARNING”, “ERROR”, or “DEBUG”.


dijitso.mpi module

Utilities for mpi features of dijitso.


Create a unique id shared across all processes in comm.

dijitso.mpi.create_comms_and_role(comm, comm_dir, buildon)

Determine which role each process should take, and create the right copy_comm and wait_comm for the build strategy.

buildon must be one of “root”, “node”, or “process”.

Returns (copy_comm, wait_comm, role).

dijitso.mpi.create_comms_and_role_node(comm, node_comm, node_root)

Approach: each node root builds, everyone waits on their node group.

dijitso.mpi.create_comms_and_role_process(comm, node_comm, node_root)

Approach: each process builds its own module, no communication.

To ensure no race conditions in this case independently of cache dir setup, we include an error check on the size of the autodetected node_comm. This should always be 1, or we provide the user with an informative message. TODO: Append program uid and process rank to basedir instead?

dijitso.mpi.create_comms_and_role_root(comm, node_comm, node_root)

Approach: global root builds and sends binary to node roots, everyone waits on their node group.

dijitso.mpi.create_node_comm(comm, comm_dir)

Create comms for communicating within a node.

dijitso.mpi.create_node_roots_comm(comm, node_root)

Build comm for communicating among the node roots.

dijitso.mpi.create_subcomm(comm, ranks)

Create a communicator for a set of ranks.

dijitso.mpi.discover_path_access_ranks(comm, path)

Discover which ranks share access to the same directory.

This cannot be done by comparing paths, because a path string can represent a local work directory or a network mapped directory, depending on cluster configuration.

Current approach is that each process touches a filename with its own rank in their given path. By reading in the filelist from the same path, we’ll find which ranks have access to the same directory.

To avoid problems with leftover files from previous program crashes, or collisions between simultaneously running programs, we use a random uuid in the filenames written.

dijitso.mpi.gather_global_partitions(comm, partition)

Gather an ordered list of unique partition values within comm.


Store shared library received as a binary blob to cache.

dijitso.mpi.send_binary(comm, lib_data)

Send compiled library as binary blob over MPI.

dijitso.params module

Utilities for dijitso parameters.


Convert p to a tuple of strings, allowing a list or tuple of strings or a single string as input.

dijitso.params.check_params_keys(default, params)

Check that keys in params exist in defaults.


Copy two-level dict of params.


Default C++ compiler


Default C++ flags for debug=True. Note: FFC always overrides these.


Default C++ flags for all build modes.


Default C++ flags for debug=False. Note: FFC always overrides these.

dijitso.params.merge_params(default, params)

Merge two-level param dicts.


Read config file and cache the contents for the duration of the process.


Validate parameters to dijitso and fill in with defaults where missing.

dijitso.py23 module

Python 2/3 compatibility utilities.


Return s if bytes, or encode unicode string to bytes using utf-8.


Return s as unicode string, decoded using utf-8 if necessary.


Return s if unicode string, or decode bytes to unicode string using utf-8.

dijitso.signatures module


Return hash of anything with a repr implementation.

dijitso.system module

Utilities for interfacing with the system.

dijitso.system.get_status_output(cmd, input=None, cwd=None, env=None)

Replacement for commands.getstatusoutput which does not work on Windows (or Python 3).


Gunzip a file.


Gzip a file.

New file gets .gz extension added.

Does nothing if the .gz file already exists.

Original file is never touched.


Run the ldd system tool on libname.

Returns output as a dict {basename: fullpath} with all dynamic library dependencies and their resolution path.

This is a debugging tool and may fail if ldd is not available or behaves differently on this system.

dijitso.system.lockfree_move_file(src, dst)

Lockfree and portable nfs safe file move operation.

If target filename exists with different content, will move it to filename.old and emit a warning.

Taken from textual description at http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11614815/a-safe-atomic-file-copy-operation


Creates a directory (tree).

Ignores error if the directory already exists.


Make script executable by setting user eXecutable bit.

dijitso.system.move_file(srcfilename, dstfilename)

Move or copy a file.


Try to read file content, if necessary unzipped from filename.gz, return None if not found.

dijitso.system.rename_file(src, dst)

Rename a file.

Ignores error if the destination file exists.

dijitso.system.store_textfile(filename, content)

Store content to filename without race conditions.

Works by first writing to a unique temp file and then moving to final destination.

Handles both bytes and unicode.

dijitso.system.try_copy_file(src, dst)

Try to copy a file.

NB! Ignores any error.


Try to remove a file.

Ignores error if filename doesn’t exist.

dijitso.system.try_rename_file(src, dst)

Try to rename a file.

NB! Ignores error if the SOURCE doesn’t exist or the destination already exists.

Module contents


Validate parameters to dijitso and fill in with defaults where missing.

dijitso.jit(jitable, name, params, generate=None, send=None, receive=None, wait=None)

Just-in-time compile and import of a shared library with a cache mechanism.

A signature is computed from the name, params[“generator”], and params[“build”]. The name should be a unique identifier for the jitable, preferrably produced by a good hash function.

The signature is used to identity if the library has already been compiled and cached. A two-level memory and disk cache ensures good performance for repeated lookups within a single program as well as persistence across program runs.

If no library has been cached, the passed ‘generate’ function is called to generate the source code:

header, source, dependencies = generate(jitable, name, signature, params[“generator”])

It is expected to translate the ‘jitable’ object into C or C++ (default) source code which will subsequently be compiled as a shared library and stored in the disk cache. The returned ‘dependencies’ should be a tuple of signatures returned from other completed dijitso.jit calls, and are linked to when building.

The compiled shared library is then loaded with ctypes and returned.

For use in a parallel (MPI) context, three functions send, receive, and wait can be provided. Each process can take on a different role depending on whether generate, or receive, or neither is provided.

  • Every process that gets a generate function is called a ‘builder’, and will generate and compile code as described above on a cache miss. If the function send is provided, it will then send the shared library binary file as a binary blob by calling send(numpy_array).
  • Every process that gets a receive function is called a ‘receiver’, and will call ‘numpy_array = receive()’ expecting the binary blob with a compiled binary shared library which will subsequently be written to file in the local disk cache.
  • The rest of the processes are called ‘waiters’ and will do nothing.
  • If provided, all processes will call wait() before attempting to load the freshly compiled library from disk cache.

The intention of the above pattern is to be flexible, allowing several different strategies for sharing build results. The user of dijitso can determine groups of processes that share a disk cache, and assign one process per physical disk cache directory to write to that directory, avoiding multiple processes writing to the same files.

This forms the basis for three main strategies:

  • Build on every process.
  • Build on one process per physical cache directory.
  • Build on a single global root node and send a copy of the binary to one process per physical cache directory.

It is highly recommended to avoid have multiple builder processes sharing a physical cache directory.

dijitso.extract_factory_function(lib, name)

Extract function from loaded library.

Assuming signature (void *)(), for anything else use look at ctypes documentation.

Returns the factory function or raises error.


Set verbosity of logging. Argument is int or one of “INFO”, “WARNING”, “ERROR”, or “DEBUG”.